Reviews for Abducted
HurricaneClover chapter 10 . 4/28
Aaaah, I missed this story. I got sucked into glee verse again and just had to revisit my favorites. This is def on my top 3.
CarvieCamfia chapter 8 . 5/23/2015
Update please xxxxxxx
CarvieCamfia chapter 9 . 4/13/2015
Yeah please update more xxx
Poiuyt098 chapter 10 . 3/24/2015
Holy crap, that was good and intense. I read that whole thing today. You're such a good writer
CarvieCamfia chapter 10 . 2/10/2015
Update please xxcc
olacindy chapter 10 . 9/20/2014
It better not be the end! I'm thinking you could begin Chapter 11 a year from now or a complete new story sequel, perhaps with Badassery with the Puckermans! I really hope you get inspired with another story. I've enjoyed this one beginning to ...not gonna call it the end!
MissJJ32 chapter 10 . 9/20/2014
The End?!
MaximumFire chapter 10 . 9/20/2014
Amazing as always! I would not be opposed to more chapters either! It's worth the wait for quality, and you certainly have the best quality out of any other writer on this website.
RAGML chapter 10 . 9/20/2014
Final chapter and you just couldn't spare us from the suspense! When I started reading this chapter it was like I'm holding my breath not knowing if Quinn was alive! When I read that Quinn was stable, I could breath normally again! I didn't care if there could be a brain damage because Quinn is a fighter! She killed 2 people for goodness sake! She survived being shot and the blood loss! But then if that suspense wasn't enough, that psychopath Sarah tried to kill her and Beth! But I seriously first thought Beth was going to be abducted again when that crazy Escobar said he's not really alone! And seriously that bodyguard who's supposed to watch Quinn and Beth, I want to badly fire him for sleeping when he was needed the most! Good thing Beth got her mom's badass gene! Then when I saw Quinn was sitting up and awake, i may or may not have cried in pure relief. Damn...Beth and Quinn (and sure, puck) are the strongest and toughest ever! Side note, Tierney may have been a shrink in another life! What he said to Puck amazed me!
What an amazing, yet again, story written by you! This may be the most suspenseful story I've ever read and it's purely amazing! Great job for you and I'll miss the feeling when I get an email saying you updated this story! Part of me is really wishing there's a sequel but I'm scared Beth is gonna be taken away again! So happy everything is perfect with the Puckermans (although Puck has a lot to do to for his girls to make up from those 3 years that he was 'dead')! Can't wait for more stories or updates from you (hopefully Quicketh)! And again, GREAT JOB! What an incredible story!
(Sorry for a ridiculously long review...just had to say it all :P )
IloveheartlandX chapter 10 . 9/20/2014
This story has been so great and I can't wait to read whatever it is you write next.
cpfalmeida chapter 9 . 9/15/2014
I can't believe you ended this chapter like this.
I just...
I just can't.
RAGML chapter 9 . 9/2/2014
No no no no NO! Come on! I've waited 9 freaking chapters for this! SHE JUST KILLED TWO PEOPLE for heaven's sake! QUINN CANNOT GIVE UP NOW! Please! They're family is together now! Beth is finally there with them! Don't let Quinn die please! PLEASE! Oh gosh this is making me cry!
Please update soon :'( and so sorry for the caps and the rambling...It's just...too hard :'(
olacindy chapter 9 . 8/29/2014
I'm so excited seeing the update but I can hardly breathe with all the twists and turns! Please update soon-and I don't mean Dianna soon!
MaximumFire chapter 9 . 8/29/2014
More. That's all I can even like think to say right now. I need more
JustaLittleWallflower chapter 9 . 8/29/2014
Noooo! Quinn can't die! Especially now that her family was complete. Still, great chapter. I loved imagining badass Quinn. :)

Update soon :)
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