Reviews for Break Into My Heart
ironheart4ever chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
I like how you wrote Eyal in front of his "all-knowing" mother. A master spy who can keep all the confidential info he needs to keep, but could not hide anything from his mother. The way you write it with just minimal admission, it is so Eyal. Brilliant.

I hope a day comes and soon that you'd bring yourself to write an Eyal/Annie happy ending. :-) I'll be the first in line for the read
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2014
I loved this! You captured the strange cadence of his speech perfectly, without making it stilted. That is very hard to do. I could hear him saying these words, and I loved the idea of him going to see his son and his mother. Very well done.
squeakerpea chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
ach! It was beautiful, and painful. As much as I love Annie and Auggie... I see the amazing possibilities with Eyal, and you write them so well. Love isn't always a happy thing, sometimes it's kinda miserable. Doesn't mean it's any less love, though. Gorgeous. Here's to hoping for happier moments with Annie and Eyal in the future.
Dina C chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
I thought this was very insightful. You had excellent continuity with the canon, and your interpretation of his emotional journey was completely believable. The conversation between mother and son was especially touching. Thanks for sharing.
cflat chapter 1 . 3/8/2013
Really like this. You write Eyal pretty well. When I was rewatching the episodes recently, I was thinking that it would be great if someone would write an Eyal POV story starting from when Auggie contacted him about rescuing Annie and possibly going until the end of the season.
GraysonSteele chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
Terrific job. I agree with you that even if Eyal were going to retire to his yacht in Greece, home would be the first place he would go. I love the interaction between Eyal and his mom. Only she could call him on his feelings and know him well enough to read how far to push. I would love to see you continue this story.
Violet Etoile chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Heh, even the toughest, badass Mossad man can't get past mama - mothers always know best! Of course Eyal is in love with Annie, and she is in love with him, but they are star crossed... and their stars haven't quite crossed yet, but when that happens - look out, for theirs will be a love for all time! Now, we just need someone to open Annie's eyes to her true feelings...

Not sure that I've ever replied to your work, but your writing is lovely, pure and simple. You manage to draw out emotions through words and when I read your stories, I feel everything along with the characters. I'm not very good at articulating exactly how a piece manages to resonates with me, but suffice to say, you're a favourite of mine, and my eyes light up when I see your name on a new Covert Affairs story - I jump right to it. (especially when I see Eyal's name as the subject!) Hope you have lots more of these stories in that imagination of yours!
artzannie25 chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
I love eyal and annie pairings. I really hope they bring him back for next season. I enjoyed this sad little tale. Even if its not a happy one. Surprisingly, its a little comforting.
Moons88 chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Wow, it's perfect. It's so amazing. This is exactly what's missing from the show. I'm admittedly more a fan of Annie/Auggie, but that doesn't mean that I don't love Eyal, I do. And this was truly perfect, your use of language is great and I don't know, I just loved it - everything!

Looking forward to the next update!

Damariz chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
I really do appreciate your ability to write Eyal and Annie. I perceive them to be better partners than Augie and Annie.
Sara chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
I really like cant wait for next chapter...
kay.hayden chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Very touching, I could feel the pain in Eyal's broken heart through your written words. Thanks for sharing.