Reviews for Everybody needs somebody
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
Please finish this!
danazit7 chapter 11 . 10/13/2015
I am quoting you "i am definitely going to finish this one" so please finish this story...
foreverulove chapter 11 . 7/8/2014
Wow! Just discovered this! Read it in one Shot! It was so amazing! And so beautiful because they knew eachother from child hood, a beautiful strong, bond that turned into friendship than in inticing, and obessisive yet beautiful love! Your truly talented!
Igrin chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
I really loved this story and the lilly Allen's song make me think about it. (Somewhere only we know) Pleeeaaase update soon...
Igrin chapter 11 . 11/29/2013
I dream for an update please ! This story is amazing ;)
she-mammoth chapter 10 . 10/26/2013
Just re-read :( wish this was still being updated. Either way it is a brilliant read.
AmberSavage1234 chapter 9 . 7/12/2013
Is this going to be updated soon? I really miss it :(
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
it would be nice if cheryl is intelligent enough to see what is obvious. because i am fed up with a cheryl who is sucha dummy. she must see the change, the tense, the fear in and around b.
i hope that his friends recognize it.
it would be nice to read a story without b. all alone by his own surrounded with deaf, dummy people who cant recognize something so obvious.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/3/2013
I hope you choose to find a good way to free B. of his dad, like counselling or like a priest. It would be nice to see that bB gets off the past and the take the power back without killing his dad
rubydeelite chapter 11 . 6/1/2013
Hi, just re-read your fic again. Been following since chapter 4, Is really good! Hope you update soon... Love to see what happens next...
penelope chapter 11 . 5/10/2013
Ughh, what an amazing story. I really like how Ste acts. I hope you will go on with the story and I really hope that Seamus has not again so much power to destroy all of them. I would love to see that there is a way to get the power back for brendan without hurting or killing his dad. Because It is in reality, he not anymore 8 years old, and unlike the 8 years old boy he can get help and support from professionals and from people who love him. I would like to see a Brendan that really puts Seamus where he belongs without using violence or becoming again a victim because of the fear of his childhood. If Brendan relizes that the abused child in him will heal.

So pls go on with ur story!
FemaleRobbery chapter 11 . 5/8/2013
Thank you sooooo much for updating! It was well worth the wait. Amazing chapter!
Babydoll85 chapter 11 . 5/6/2013
Silence In this bedroom at 01:17am, and I'm smiling and happy and totally impressed...

Like everyone else,I'm sure,I know you've done an incredible job at your first descriptive sex scene and I'm giving you an award or at least kudos for... Best 'losing your virginity' scene, it was so sweet, as how you'd want it to be, with Brendan's reluctance as he didn't want to hurt Ste and was careful with him and how you described them together. When he first went into Ste and stopped to check it was ok for him to carry on thrusting...WOW. It was Brendan's first time with a man also and yet he still had that commanding authority that we know and love. And then it turned from sweet and thoughtful to steamy...way hey! Got a bit rough there when Ste said 'go harder' and Brendan still riding him during the orgasm, ste was so worn out he couldnt even lift his head and brendan re-positioned him so that he was lying on the bed and brendan coming then,UNF UNF is all I can say-that was juicy sweet delicious... Think i must be a crazed sex pervert,cause your whole sequence and the way you wrote it,so hot and virginal and new made me wish for a scenario. I'll DM u.

Great transitions from past to present,they didn't leave me feeling confused and I enjoyed both timelines. Brendan's worry for Ste when he ran from Terry's and how concerned he was for his state of mind was adorable and how he saw himself through Terry's eyes really,I think,helps him in realising how Ste must see him which will eventually get him to stop beating Ste up, as we know. And then when Ste was beating himself up and agreed that maybe Brendan was right and they were being beaten up to make them into men only Brendan was the only one who learned the lesson and Ste was a weakling and admitted he still needs protection ...god ... The feels, Brendan wouldn't allow Ste to talk about himself like that, that's AMAZINGLY SWEET AND HONEST. Ur truly a gifted writer of angst and you give me ALL that I could possibly want from a fic.
Brendan said 'I love you', I mean yowza,at that age it's just so bliss,I'm dead.

Can't wait to see what happens next. I've so missed your fic young beautiful lady and you are a very very welcome return,so hip hip.
lucywrites09 chapter 11 . 5/6/2013
Your really good at writing smut! Really good halter please update soon!
PatriciaJessic chapter 11 . 5/6/2013
WOW! I can't believe the whole time they knew each other before Brendan buggered off and left him that they had only had sex once, that an amazing resolve on Brendan's part seen as he always perving on the boy. do like that they can reminisce without any bad blood there. Why did he even marry Doug and to come back from their honeymoon and has already broken up with him. He should have held out hope that someday he would see Brendan again but I guess he was trying to move on with his life kind of with no hope of ever seeing Brendan again.. I hope that they can make a proper go at this thing this time around seeing that Seamus has inserted himself into their town I hope they do not let him ruin something that could amazing...Please continue with teh extraordinary updates..
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