Reviews for Wires
Brie chapter 20 . 8/2
I’m so happy that this story freed you like it did! PLEASE KEEP WRITING IT. It’s by far the best fanfic I’ve ever read on here. Between the chuck and Blair perfection, and Jenny saying the version of herself that I liked in season one, I’m so happy with it. And the OC’s are beautiful the same way that the direction you’ve taken Damien’s character is. I’d love another Nate and Serena vs. Chuck and Blair encounter. Thank you for writing this! I love it so much.
Guest chapter 21 . 7/30
Was so happy to see a new chapter. Please keep them coming xx
Dana chapter 21 . 7/13
Excellent chapter as always! Definitely something to look forward to during a pandemic. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 21 . 7/11
This is such a good story I just found it and read it all at once plz continue!
thankunext1 chapter 3 . 7/13
chuck having the same book ... i’m in love
Klarobass chapter 21 . 7/12
I can't tell you how ecstatic I was even I saw the email alert that you had updated this story. This story has stayed with me in the best way over time. I just love everything about it. The plot, the characterization, the drama and more. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds in upcoming chapters.

I don't remember much about William, I think I'll have to go re-read some chapters to re-familiarize myself with him, but I'm sens iii ng he could become a problem for our favorite Briar gang. He seems like he'd do anything to chase a story, even if it had direct consequences to others. He also seems to like to cause trouble. I love how Chuck made a deal with him to help Blair, even if it didn't pan out and blew up in the end. Sad Blair lost her chance at Yale, even if I had a feeling that would happen. I loved seeing Chuck show a bit of his gentlemanly side a bit in this chapter, even attempting to take things slowly with Blair, even if they didn't happen by the end of the chapter.

I'm not sure what to think of this Mr. Lewis figure. He could spell bad news I think. I hope he doesn't try to mess with Chuck and Diana too badly. I'm worried he could have Nefarious intentions towards Diana. I could be wrong, but the way they met and became involved with each other sounds suspicious. I share Damien's suspicions on the relationship.

Blair bumping into Nate and Serena certainly was interesting and escalated rather quickly. Seeing the NJBC together is always interesting and is certain to cause drama, since especially in this story they aren't exactly the best of friends anymore.

I look forward to seeing how this story will unfold in upcoming chapters and look forward to the next one.
ambrosiagrl chapter 21 . 7/11
When this update hit my inbox, I screamed! How fortuitous that as I just began rereading Chair fan fiction after years of other fandom distractions, that the author of one of my most adored fictions decides to update?!

I’ve spent the past few days rereading from the beginning before savoring this chapter. It’s amazing that you’ve picked right back up and it flows perfectly, no beat missed.

Lots of threads are being woven here with out favorite delinquents. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out!
Moozanna chapter 21 . 7/9
Yay N! I'm so glad you are back with such an awesome and fantastic chapter. You know I've been a fan since day one and I was thrilled to get the update notification. Liked seeing a softer/gentlemen-ish side to Chuck. Appearances from the UES gang is always fun. I'm so so so glad you updated and posted. Can't wait to find out what happens next to our Briar gang.
badbitchb chapter 21 . 7/8
You made me so happy when I saw this update! Okay so first of all, I’m all for our delinquents creating a secret society at Briar, and I’d love to know more about what they discovered about Briar’s Angels and the Seven Heavenly Sins!
Honestly, I can’t rememeber much about William (need to re-read this story!) but I hate him already. I also think Mr Lewis is bad news... Even Dalgaard’s thoughts agree with me! I really hope this new counsellor doesn’t do anything to mess with Chuck, or Diana!
I was so wary of Chuck and Blair keeping their secrets from one another, but by the end of this chapter, I think that they’re on the right track to confiding in each other and healing together, because we all know they need it! I was sad when Blair ruined her chance at Yale, but was also proud of Chuck for trying to give Blair a second chance, even if it backfired in the end. And that last scene, absolutely loved it! Thank you for updating, I’ll be (patiently!) waiting for the next one!
Rachem chapter 21 . 7/8
I have to say this email notification was the best possible way to start a Wednesday! Welcome back and I hope you’ve been staying safe and sane during these crazy times. This chapter was wonderful from start to finish and I’m so thankful it’s finally here.

I’m excited to see how everything continues to developChuck and Blair (together and individually), the secret society, and all the other delinquents. Also, I really loved your take on Blair’s interview implosionit’s always so interesting to see different authors’ takes on how she’d implode.

Can’t wait to read more!
rayj829 chapter 21 . 7/8
Omg! I haven't been on this site in yeeeeeeeears and the email notification for this one reeled me back out of curiosity to see if it actually was a continuation or just an author's note. Glad to see it was the former! Great job! Looking forward to more!
regalreves chapter 21 . 7/8
First off welcome back!
As can see these kids have not learned anything from their mistakes from last year...
Diana, baby girl what are you even thinking! I want her to find happiness but it ain't with Mister Lewis.
Jenny is about to hit rock bottom soon and that makes me a bit worried
It was a nice cameo from the rest of the NJBC... though so small ( I would like them to all have a moment together and talk out their issues).
I love the ending between Blair and Chuck it shows they are really trying to move forward ( they don't talk enough about their issues out for me, but thats them) Them have sex again is an opening from them to get their feelings out.
I wonder how long Ethan and Diana are going to keep up this fake relationship..
anna-doll chapter 21 . 7/8
seaandthestars chapter 21 . 7/8
omg an update i could not believe my eyes when i saw it but i’m obsessed! i love the direction you’re taking chuck and blair, letting them identify and make up for their mistakes even if they are stubborn assholes at times. i feel like you just GET the dynamic between them and turn it into poetry. even your side characters seem realistic and compelling. please continue i cannot wait for more!
Guest chapter 20 . 7/4
Omg yessss that would be amaizng
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