Reviews for Where Art Thou?
DharmaMotorPool chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
Such a good idea, and so cute :) Thank you! I'm honored your first story was for my challenge!
Roadrunnerz chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
This was too cute for words! I loved it!

That Claire left Gillian a kitten is so perfect and bittersweet, and that Eli went to help get him out of the tree only to get stuck himself made me laugh!

And this was my favourite line: - Okay Focus! Cat first Cal later! - :D

You're English is awesome glad you decided to join the challenge!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
Hysterical! I love the plot and the twist. The idea of Eli running away from a chihuahua really cracked up. Such a fun fic, you should write more. I need you? you can start right there, let us know more about the kiss.
KarenJC chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
Rica my lovely you have absolutely NOTHING to fear. I really,really enjoyed this fic so very,very much. Thankyou for having the courage and taking the time to write for us xxx I have to say my devious little mind went off on a different tangent at times. The traits of being a Callian shipper;) LOL
I certainly hope to take the excellent reviews on board and decide to write many,many more stories for our enjoyment xxx
Many,many thanks once again xxx
Lots of Love and Best Wishes xxxx3
solveariddle chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
Heyyyyyy... you did it! Such a lovely first fic. :)

I like the twists (Gillian looking for... a kitten but the story starts as if it could be someone else she is looking for, Eli up in the tree, ...) and your sense of humor. You made me laugh several times but there were still serious undertones like Cal making sure that there is always someone watching over Gillian because he knows she is not okay after Claire's death.

Especially, I liked these lines:

"Cat first Cal later!" and "Eli and I have done nasty things tonight, he is fun. STOP sending our employees here to spy on me!"
Black Widow Spider27 chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
I knew you could do it! Entertaining!
jenron12 chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
Very cute! I like the image of Loker stuck in the tree, and the idea that Gill knew everyone was checking up on her. Nice job!
GCRessa66 chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
EXCELLENT! Really good first fiction. I told you you were talented! I totally love it! Please can you write another chapter!
Cal & Gillian's kiss... I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THAT!

I was grinning like a fool during all my reading :p
Please write more! Take care xoxo
NElaineR chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
That was bloody adorable...and the perfect set-up for a little something more...hint hint... ;)
LieBones chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Oh, I really like it! I love that she busts Cal having the employees watching her...of course this event would happen on Eli's watch :) I love the last paragraph, she and Eli did nasty things...HA I bet Cal about lost it when he read that. You left this so open for more chapters, I need you... what an ending! :)
wildhoneyfitri1 chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Hahah nasty thing... Love it, and damn that ending... Should you make a sequel of it?
SassyCop chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
I'm so glad you posted! I thought this was really cute! It was my pleasure to help. It didn't need a lot of editing-you did a really great job!
madmother2 chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Fun. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
so cute and novel
deenikn8 chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Such a fun fic!
"Okay, I'll do it! I'm not letting that kitten spend his night alone and scared in this tree." She began to remove her footwear and get ready to climb the tree. "Hold this and light my way up." Gillian handed him the flashlight and started to climb.
She played him..she never intended on

Her telling Cal..I need you...could be a set up for part 2 ;)