Reviews for Supporting Him
Selena92 chapter 4 . 1/11/2019

Great characterization as always...and it makes sense- of course the Doctor was angry at himself and that was why he was so short with her. It's a fact for me.
Heather Snow chapter 4 . 7/18/2016
I loved that they met Benton! I always feel that there should be at least have been a minimal crossover with UNIT during this episode.
GhostDog401 chapter 4 . 10/12/2013
I'm sad it's over, but I really did love this story :D
SherlockWholmes chapter 4 . 10/11/2013
Nice work. I like the bit about the Doctor being upset and Martha misinterpreting the reason.
superlc529 chapter 4 . 10/11/2013
Head Canon accepted... I'd like to think now that what you wrote is what happened with the Doctor being mad at himself and not wanting to lose Martha again (like when she was taken in 'Gridlock') - that's what he was referencing, wasn't it?

Yet again and no surprise, I could picture and hear everything perfectly in my head. And I loved how the Doctor wanted to add 'and Martha' at the end of the message he wrote for Sally. That was sweet. You really had the Doctor and Martha's dynamic down and actually I love that you really had the Doctor appreciating Martha more. That made me smile. Wonderful lead-in to 'Utopia' - another head canon accepted with the Weeping Angels draining some of the TARDIS energy. ;)

Excellent job on this story. Love Ten and Martha. Now that this story is done, I'm taking it off of my alerts. Just so you know and you're not wondering what happened to that number. It's just when a story I've been following is completed, I take it off my alerts. And once again I'm rambling... :P

Anyway... Keep writing amazingly! :D
Whogirl42 chapter 4 . 10/11/2013
i really liked this, and i'm not sure you realized this... but:
martha had a picture of weeping angels right? well if what ever takes the image of an angel is an angel, then that means that the angels that sent The Doctor and Martha back in time were the angels that came out of the oicture that martha left... so in conclusion:

wibbily-wobbily timey-wimey... stuff :D
Queen Bovine chapter 4 . 10/10/2013
"The image of an angel..." I feel like the implication is made that the four angels came from the photo left under the couch. Am I right? Seriously, talk about solidifying the loop. Nice, ominous way to tie it all together.
AnitaHoward chapter 4 . 10/10/2013
Really good! I always wanted to know how they got trapped and what happened and all that. I loved your version of it. I've always liked fics that 'fill in the gaps', and you succeeded very well :D
AnitaHoward chapter 3 . 9/23/2013
I really like this! I do feel bad for Martha; you've written her well here. I hope you'll finish :) And having Benton in here was a good touch.
SherlockWholmes chapter 3 . 9/12/2013
I liked it that you brought in Sergeant Benton and UNIT. Nice touch.
superlc529 chapter 3 . 9/11/2013
Loved the update! I was hoping we'd get to see the 'Easter Egg' scene from Martha and the Doctor's POVs. I really loved how you wrote Martha's line of thinking to popping into frame to correct the Doctor, '*We're* stuck." ;) :)

You've really got the dynamic between Ten and Martha pretty well. And you are writing the one-sided DoctorxMartha pretty well. :) Too bad it was too little too late for when the Doctor finally respected Martha. At least she gets Mickey in the end, right?

LOVED you including Sergeant Benton. :D Clever idea to have him be the one to introduce Martha to UNIT and the idea of it. One thing that got me thinking though. When the Doctor told Benton to leave and Benton practically saluted him and looked at the Doctor strangely, did Benton kinda recognize the Doctor? We know Benton knows about regeneration, having met Two and then work with Three. :) Just curious about that. That's what I took away from it at least. ;)

Fantastic and Brilliant job! (Pun intended there...) Update when you can! I'm so glad you finally continued this story and I can't wait to see how you wrap it up. :D
superlc529 chapter 2 . 9/7/2013
So glad to see an update on this one. To be honest, I went back and re-read the first chapter to remind myself of what happened. ;)

I have to say that my favorite part of this chapter is the Doctor's story of how he found out that his timey-wimey detector could boil an egg at 30 paces. Always wondered how he knew that... just thought it was some random factoid. :P I love the Doctor and Martha's relationship (especially after the Doctor started to respect her more).

He actually should get some rest, regardless of being a Time Lord. It's just the medical Doctor in Martha to worry about him like that. ;) Very nice update. Should be cool to see them filming that 'Easter Egg' thing for Sally from their point of view... speaking of which, loved how he remembered Sally coming up to him with the 'four things and a lizard.' And how he happened to have that stuff in his giant pockets. ;)

Can't wait to see what else you've got. Post more when you get the chance. :)
GhostDog401 chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
*waits patiently for more*
Ruusaanyc chapter 1 . 6/27/2013
I always wondered what they got up to in this episode. I can't imagine the doctor reacting too well to being separated from his TARDIS by decades! Although I guess he already knew it was going to work out, since he had the packet from Sally Sparrow.
Queen Bovine chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
"Blink" is my all-time favorite episode. I'm glad to see it getting a spotlight. Can't wait for more!
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