Reviews for Into The Hurricane
anallely crisscolfer chapter 28 . 3/1/2017
Hi, I've been reading your fic for 1 night and I'm done. It's really nice, it's a problem that a lot of kids go through. . I hope you follow this very beautiful as they care for the 2. . Greetings, sorry if my English is not good. . . greetings from Mexico
Cloveteach chapter 28 . 3/14/2015
I hope you come back to finish this story. I'd love to see cooper come in to see Blaine and see how he'd react. I'd also like to see Kurt have a breakdown. So far we've seen him snap a couple times but I'd wonder how he'd be in a total breakdown.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/25/2014
Please come back! This is an awesome story!
atomiccounty chapter 28 . 12/7/2013
L1414 chapter 28 . 10/16/2013
I really like this story :-)
Mel Reed chapter 28 . 10/13/2013
Ah! I swear I just reached for the "next" button and it was not there! I need more, this is so good, like really fucking good, and I like so much, please keep udapting, I'm so in love with this :3 thank you.
Mel Reed chapter 25 . 10/13/2013
OMG! I'm crying, and I wasn't expecting be that long! I just felt my heart ache and oh god! And then they were so lovely and Kurt there saying 'yet' and okay! I just love this story so much already.
shannaplusklaus chapter 28 . 10/12/2013
You aren't finishing this...are you? If your aren't can you just let us know? :/
parsimonia chapter 28 . 8/20/2013
I so strong and emotional thisstory, i love it. I just hope that they have a healthy relationship between them, because, damn, they need it.
See you soon :D
LvSammy chapter 28 . 8/19/2013
oh my goodness...this is amazing. Keep up the great work...Im so happy to see this updated. I love this fic and you really work up an appitite after all this. Keep up the great work and I love this. AMAZING.
Hufflepuff28 chapter 28 . 8/19/2013
Just found this today and I really, really love it. You do a great job getting into the boys' headspace, and I especially love Charlie's character, he's so patient with the boys. Seeing Kurt and Blaine striving to heal each other while still protecting themselves is so heart-wrenching. Although I'm glad you brought up Kurt's OCD habits in the last couple chapters, I was surprised they hadn't come up with all the new things he's been doing. I guess he thinks Blaine is clean (most of the time). I think it's realistic they both had problems with the lists, so I'm really glad you're not making their recovery painless. Especially with Charlie's thinking that Blaine's problems ran deeper than Blaine thinks - it'll be interesting to explore that. I wonder what would happen if either of them had a setback in their healing process. Loving this so far, amazing job!
ChrisColfer2050 chapter 28 . 8/19/2013
Loved it! Please more ASAP
Lurida chapter 28 . 8/19/2013
Loved the chapter, especially Kurt and Blaine exchanging their words - so cute.
WankyCriss chapter 27 . 8/1/2013
amooncat chapter 27 . 7/28/2013
I actually registered just so I can follow/favourite this story and say that I love you for writing this. I was scared it wouldn't be updated for a while but it did and you made my day! I don't have much to add but I really love how you wrote Kurt and Blaine here, and how you really show the steps of improvement they make to the trust each other. I honestly also love how they're obsessed with each other, and I can see how with their mentality they'd grow to feel that way with each other even in that small time frame. All in all, I said "love" too many times cause its awesome and you're awesome and I can't wait for more!
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