Reviews for A Concerto in Minor Chords
cheekybeak chapter 1 . 9/10/2015
When I first read this story I was fairly new here and far too shy and self conscious to write a review. Now I have no such worries and so I am here to set right the travesty that this beautiful and heartbreakingly sad story has no reviews. That just should not be. I love this. It has stayed in my mind for a long time, since I first read it I have not forgotten it. Not many stories have the ability to do that. Having read it again I will be adding it to my favs in its own right, it definitely belongs there. I love so much about it. The exquisite way you have captured Legolas's grief. It feels so real. That painful moment when you are aware the soul of someone you love has gone, they are there and then they are not in an instant. I love the linking of Aragorn's being called to choose his death to Legolas's sea longing. The idea he is almost compelled to do it. It is very hard to understand just "choosing" to die when you are still reasonably fit and this idea makes some sense of it. I love also the thought that Aragorn has placed a song of healing into Legolas's psyche. A last gift.
There is so much more I could say. So much more I love.
I must imagine these two WILL meet again at the breaking of the world. Surely they cannot be destined to spend eternity sundered from each other. It would be too cruel.
Thanks so much for writing this!