Reviews for The Flower Correlation
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
So romantic and cute! Wonderful!
Unused Account Here chapter 1 . 5/24/2015
It was sweet. Real fluff overload here.
marey1 chapter 1 . 10/6/2014
aw, so adorable
ka chapter 1 . 9/8/2014
Omg,this is beautiful,so sweet!
Sheldonoscopy chapter 1 . 6/15/2014
I loved all of it! Especially the part where Amy's like "You bought me flowers?!" and Sheldon goes "No, of course not. Bernadette and Penny did." It made me LOL. That's SO Sheldon. But after he explains why he didn't buy her flowers, it's apparent that it's not because he doesn't care... Actually, he cares a lot, because he gave her his emergency socks! Aaaah! That's so cute! I just loved how everything was IC. A lot of fluff stories have Sheldon acting like some sort of Romeo - but he's really an awkward, aloof, clueless guy, and while he isn't romantic in the conventional sense he shows Amy that he cares about her in his own way. And you're right, the forehead kiss was a lot sweeter. :)
Ula chapter 1 . 6/6/2014
AnitaRez chapter 1 . 4/14/2014
This was completely in character for Sheldon including the romance. :-)
Pinnatus chapter 1 . 3/20/2014
I love it! I totally agree with your A/N that this is Sheldon's version of romance. His version is about practicality and logic and his gesture show his more considerate and soft side in this way. Excellent job at showcasing that in a concept for a fic that is often used. Perfectly written and executed! Nice job!
pisquenta chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
call 911 I'm dying from feeeeeeels
iceage323 chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Such a cute and beautiful story! Thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
incredibly beautiful and sweet, u captured sheldon so well, especially with his apparent hesitation and eventual resolve to express what he really felt at the moment, i could so see this happening in the show if amy were 2 ever be in an accident, it was pitch perfect characterization of both sheldon and amy.
Trinabeana78 chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
Loved it! I actually was thinking about this a few days ago, how Sheldon would react if something happened to Amy. This was very in character and sweet and exactly how I'd imagine he would be. Thank you for this story!
Brenda chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
Good story, enjoyed every minute of it.
corriente chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
First of all, I find this whole flower situation amazingly heartwarming. Especially those lines:

"Sheldon, that was incredibly thoughtful of you."
Again, Sheldon furrowed his eyebrows.
"Me? Oh, goodness, no. Don't be absurd, Amy. I wasn't the one who bought you those flowers."
"Personally, I don't understand how flowers are supposed to make someone who's sick or injured feel any better," Sheldon said. "If you ask me, there seems to be a negative correlation between flowers and a person who's sick and suffering in the hospital."
"Which is why, as you may or may not have noticed, Amy, I've taken the liberty of bringing you a fresh pair of socks to wear. My emergency white cotton socks, to be precise."

I was like "awwwwwww" when I reached that line. Because, I mean, Sheldon can be an ass and he often says things without noticing an emotional charge related to them, BUT he does say them, because they are true. He might not have notice Amy's faltering smile, but he wants to clarify the situation and HE DID bring her those socks. That's something.
(And he did make his amount of self-interest before, complaining at "germ-ridden waiting room".)
And I believe this is totally in Sheldon's character: at first I was surprised he brought her those flowers, because, I mean... flowers? With its pollens and short life expectancy? Socks, on the other hand, are cotton, white and warm. That's more like Sheldon.
And you were right, the kiss on the forehead suits much better here. I highly doubt he would kiss her lips, even though she scared him so much.
Besides, a kiss on the forehead means a promise of safety, trust and care. Fits right in!
Ooooh, that whole moment when he stopped and went to her and kissed her, it was so... well, I don't want to use word "cute", because I don't really like it, but that's how it was. Really, really cute. And emotional, too, with Sheldon's scared look and soft voice.
Shamy forever :D
jesterkoops chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
I'm a big fan of fanfic that get the characterization spot-on and you've done so in all your fics actually. The reason I favored this one in particular is because I could definitely see it happening on the show. It was the kind of odd sweetness that is very typical of Shamy.
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