Reviews for The Love of a Lady Knight
LovetoRead613 chapter 6 . 5/17/2018
I hope you haven't abandoned this! I've really enjoyed reading this and I would love to know what happens next between Jane and Smithy.
Bookloverdream chapter 6 . 2/10/2018
How am I just now finding this? Tell me there’s more...
LexielovesW.C.T.H chapter 6 . 12/31/2016
Noooo I want her with jester I'm glad they finally kissed but i just wish they would get together
LexielovesW.C.T.H chapter 2 . 12/31/2016
Aww man I thought she was going to love Jester I love her and jester together not Smithy or Gunther
Kiara.Queen.of.Kaos chapter 6 . 8/7/2016
Awesome story
Kiara.Queen.of.Kaos chapter 1 . 8/7/2016
Pyromaniac Wolf chapter 6 . 7/16/2016
Please upload another chapter soon, this is really good! Although I'm sure many have already told you this. (Also I'm that one person who's shipping Jane and Smithy xD )

Please update soon and keep up the good work! I'll look forward to future updates
Spookside chapter 6 . 9/13/2015
I usually prefer Jane/Jester but you've done such a good job on this story that I love it!
Le soleil brille pas pour toi chapter 5 . 6/20/2014
I've been following this for a little while now, but haven't reviewed yet - just thought I ought to leave a note letting you know your work is appreciated and anticipated! I'm usually not a Jane/Smithy shipper, but you write it really well - almost well enough to switch me away from Team Gunther. :P
Dessert Maniac chapter 4 . 11/18/2013
Haha, excellent use of Dragon here. It also doesn't look like Smithy returns Jane's feelings, eh? I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, _.
Eden chapter 3 . 10/19/2013
LOVE IT! When will there be a next chapter?
thepapergirl chapter 3 . 9/16/2013
Wow wow wow oh my goodness Ive never been too into Jane x smithy fics but this is well written, the char. development is perfect, and the plot is entertaining. I like that it's not all about the romance, that's a rarity sometimes. Hope to hear more soon and best wishes!
SunRise19 chapter 3 . 8/9/2013
well, we know how Jane feels but how does Smithy feel? Great chapter!
SunRise19 chapter 2 . 8/8/2013
Aww, poor Gunther! Very interesting chapter..
SunRise19 chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
very interesting although i'm a jane and Gunther fan i'll still read this
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