Reviews for Original Character Submission :Soul Eater
Thebolt chapter 3 . 4/3/2016
Name: Dakota O'Malley
Age 16
Gender: male
Eye color: yellow
Hair color: Raven black
Description: 5'10 black trench coat that is worn at all times, gray sweat pants, and black sneakers
Weapon form: machete yellow blade black handle
Personality: fun loving and loud, talks a lot and fast, can be seen playing video games or reading, very unorganized
Relationship to DWMA: came after accidentally stabbing a table at a restaurant discovering he was a weapon
Partner: someone who doesn't mind a mess or a ranter
Family: parents are Eric O'Malley and Tobey O'Malley. Grew up in the Irish slums fighting before finding out he was a weapon. Upon which he was sent to the DWMA.
Random: likes pizza and cartoons
The dark battle chapter 3 . 6/17/2014
once the were two kids named sapphire and pony (sapphire is a boy) they had a great time .One day they went to the DWMA they were so excited to find out who was a meister
and weapon. Then when they found out who was weapon and who was meister sapphire practiced turning into a weapon then all of a sudden they heard a loud crash it was black star and tsubaki they said "is it time for class yet " and guess what it was soon we were sitting buy two kids named soul and maka they looked tired more like soul was tired the most they said they were battling medusa black star was making fun of soul he said "aw look whos not been get ing any sleep " then there was a fight maka asked if we could help but sapphire still could not fully turn into a weapon she told us to trust her we said ok then sapphire turned into a legendary weapon the dragon claw pony grabbed black star and threw him in the air and back on sapphire pony and sapphire won and soul , maka , black star , tsubaki , kid , liz . and patty all became friends ready to fight medusa.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
There are no male witches in soul eater there are only sorcerers (which are basically just the male equivalent of a witch) which is why I am making my character a sorcerer

Name:nakuto nokuchito

Real age:150

How old they look:15

Animal theme (eg Medusa-Snake, Eruka- Frog, Kim-Raccoon Dog): Tanuki

Attacks and abilities:
-Soul Protect
Eye Colour: Pink

Hair Colour: Green

More Detailed Physical Appearance (including clothing): has short hair, wears a pink tee shirt with a skull design on the front. Wears dark blue slim jeans with pink high top shoes.

Strength (on scale of 1-5 w/ 1 being lowest):
5 because he is able to rapidly regenerate with his healing magic every time he is injure making it extremely hard to beat him.

Personality: greedy, self-conscious, will take advantage of others if possible.

Relationship to DWMA:Nakuto is loyal to the DWMA and performs tasks for them that could not normally be achieved by weapons and/or Meisters

Family or History: Nakuto was raised as a sorcerer by his father. His father taught him regeneration magic. His father was also loyal to the DWMA and performed the tasks that nakuto currently does for them; Which is why Nakuto was given the job of helping the DWMA after his fathers death.

Other important or random details:
seeyouontuesday chapter 1 . 2/26/2014
Hey, I thought I'd like to submit an OC, so, here I go...
Name: Evan (I won't give a last one but tell me if you need one)
Age: 16 (seems a bit right for soul eater characters)
Gender: Male
Meister or weapon: Weapon
Eye color: green (with a line of good in the middle of the irises)
Hair color: blonde
Description: long-ish blonde hair (like in between bowl cut and surfer cut), Caucasian (not pale but not very tan), "average" looks, wiry muscles (sorta scrawny but still kinda muscular), plain white t-shirt, dark blue jeans,black sneakers, no "accessories", 5 foot 8 inches tall, scars all over torso hidden by shirt
Weapon form: 12 long silver sword, no decals or anything fancy, can turn right hand into sword blade (like how soul can turn his arm into a scythe blade and such, that parts optional though)
Personality: strong, selfless, caring, unwilling to talk about own problems, unwilling to fall in love (keeps that a secret)
Relationship to DWMA: wandered there 3 years ago and has been there since
Partner: funny, nice, female
Family and history: dark past, no family known
Other: I apologize for this. You don't have to put it in (though you know that), especially if it'd be troublesome to the storyline.
Animelovers41 chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
For humans
Name: Shiroko Hiiragi
Age: 19
Gender: female
Meister or weapon: weapon
Eye colour: dark green
Hair colour: black
More detailed physical discription: She is 5'6" and lithe she is also very pale and is lightly freckled around her nose her hair is thick and wavy her hair falls to her waist and all around her face. Her typical clothing for the day is a white hoody with dog ears on it and a lower face gas mask she wears. She wears a black skirt and red boots. She has a red digital camera in her pocket at all times.
Weapon form: a saber with a slightly curved blade her handle curves slightly and the guard is small and ovalish and curves to touch the handle her handle is forest green
Fighting style: she typically goes free style and uses her legs, but mostly runs.
Can they fight on their own: she can turn the lower part of her leg into a blade while kicking. She isn't that good but she can handle those who go after when she black mails them.
Personality: she has a tough time making friends. She doesn't believe in doing anything for free and if you don't pay her back she will blackmail the crap out of you, but when she does make a friend she tries her best to help you though most of the time the help isn't much help but more like black mailing your supposed "enemies" so she gains what she wanted. She is always smiling and loves learning things about people. She is surprisingly loyal not till the death loyal but she won't leave you just because everyone else does. She is eccentric and balances books on her head down the hallway to classes. She loves those with interesting personalities or histories she calls these people her favorite and is constantly trying to predict their decisions on important discisons. She has a strict personal beliefs and says everyone is worth something and if your life is sad dedicate the rest of it to trying to making it better instead of killing yourself or cutting. She is also very accepting considering her odd personality and treats everyone equally. She get's moderately good grades and has never gotten a c on her report card.
Relationship to the DWMA: she thought fighting witches and Kishin would be fun so she joined.
What they want in a partner: probably some one with either little shame or strict enough so that she doesn't cause trouble
Family history: her family was super strict and close minded causing her to decide to be more accepting seeing how much she disliked them and not wanted to be like them. When she was 12 she ran away when on the streets she became an information broker. Over this time she met an other child around her age named Taku. Taku acted just like she does now but had a soft spot for her and constantly helping her. They were bestfriends borderline lovers, but he also suffered depression but never showed it and saw himself close to worthless and street scum. He eventually told Shiroko that he was a bad influence and left. Though he sometimes visits her in DWMA.
Other important details: she is an otaku. Taku has messy, curly dark grey hair with streaks of black his hair goes to his chin and has parts of it clipped back. He wears half rimmed glasses and is extremely tall 6'5".
minoke chapter 1 . 7/13/2013

Name: Michael malcom

Age: 15

Gender: male

Meister or Weapon: weapon

Eye Colour: bluegreen eyes

Hair Colour: very dark brwon, but looks almost chestnut in bright light that is spiked up at the front but very short at the back

More Detailed Physical Description (including clothing): height: 5'5 weight: about 120 pounds strong but not with large muscles, kinda like the build of a runner. wears darkblue jeans and a black short sleeve and trenchcoat with a black fedora with a red feather

Weapon Form and Details (for weapons only): dual muskets connected together with a long chain with a blade running along the bottom of the barrel

If a Meister, can they fight on their own? If so, how (also applicable for some Weapons) : able to transform his forearms into the barrels of his full weapon form, but the barrels widden to almost the width of a small cannon

Personality: while lighthearted to strangers, he doesn't allow people to get close due to how he always was bullies by people at school, as well as having dealt with his abusive father.

Relationship to DWMA: after running away from home, he met a strange man in an alley, this man turned out to be a kishin, while running for his life (he isn't that much of a toughy at that time) a meister from the DWMA came to slay the kishin, and michael decided to go to DWMA to help stop the kishins

What they want in a partner: someone he can confide in, a shoulder to cry on, to michael it doesn't matter how strong someone is, because through all his hardships he learned that life is precious, and nomatter how insignificant it may seem, it is still worth protecting

Ideal Weapon or weapon type (if meister):

Family and History: as said earlier, abusive father, never knew mother

Other important or random details: he is totally an otaku, and his fav anime is ao no exorcist and he likes sushi and is a good cook, as he had noone else to cook for him
Persona 5 The Author chapter 1 . 6/22/2013
Here is my witch OC!
Name: Crow
Real age: Oh gosh, about 142
How old they look: 15/16
Animal theme: Crows! /Black birdies!
Attacks and abilities: Can attack with talons like a bird… Can transform into a bird and fly (can also fly in human form) Has Soul Protect that all witches can use.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
More Detailed Physical Appearance (including clothing): Wears a knee-length black dress with black stockings and flats. Has a large black witch’s hat with her pet crow Shade on the rim.
Strength (on scale of 1-5 w/ 1 being lowest): 3/5 Not too powerful, but not too weak…
Personality: Has a surprisingly optimistic personality, but has low confidence when it comes to fighting with weapons and meisters.
Relationship to DWMA: Usually only goes there to create havoc… Yeah she has she has nothing better to do…
Family or History: Parents are not specified… No siblings either…
Other important or random details: Best friend is Eruka Frog. Also looks up to Medusa. NO LOVE INTERESTS. (FOREVER ALONE)

Okay well that’s my OC! Hope its not TOO Mary-Sue! Thanks!

cameronstewart516 chapter 1 . 4/7/2013
Alright im just doing this for the hell of it so's a random OC...

Name: Sam Parker
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Meister or Weapon: Meister
Eye Colour: Dark Blue
Hair Colour: Jet Black
Detailed Physical Description: Wears a worn dark blue trench coat with red shirt underneath along with ripped jeans and black boots. Messy haircut. Somewhat athletically built. Average height.
Fighting Style: Uses acrobatics to avoid attacks rather than block them. Usually follows up dodges by attempting an attack. Is proficient (but by no means an expert) at hand-to-hand combat.
Can he fight on his own?: Can employ acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat to defend himself but cannot attack directly with soul wavelength. Can only defend himself and can't defeat enemies without a weapon so he usually chooses to fight without a weapon as a last resort.
Personality: Cheerful, joking, sometimes sarcastic.
Relationship with DWMA: Just a student.
What they want in a partner: Someone who isn't annoying but has no preference other than that.
Ideal weapon or weapon type: No preference.
Family and History: Has a twin brother (Henry) who happens to be his weapon partner and he takes the form of a single kunai dagger. They are completely identical apart from one of Henry's eyes being bright yellow. Dead parents. Has not made much progress in the soul collection to turn Henry into a death scythe. Unknown history and it is presumed he spent the majority of his time training his acrobatics and hand-to-hand training apart from when he was out working on the soul collection.
Random or important details: Hates Black Star. Appears to have a crush on Tsubaki.
WonderBoyP chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
This is Kitty's Meister, Kitty, the weapon, is below this \/
-Name: Taka Naowa
-Age: 14
-Gender: Male
-Meister or Weapon: Meister
-Eye Colour: Cinnimon brown
-Hair Colour: Sandy blonde
-More Detailed Physical Description (including clothing): He is a lean muscled, tan boy with ruffled blonde hair and a slight baby-face aspect to him. He wears a pair of blue jeans with white patches and a yellow Tank-Top and brown leather jacket. They both wear the same black combat boots, and he has white fingerless gloves. He is talk and lean, with slightly smaller muscles and kind of thin. He grows taller that wider, and he can sit still for hours on end. He loves to smile and does it often, it fully reaching his eyes. He is very expressive and loud.
-Fighting Style (mostly for Meisters): He fights with vigor and efficiency. He sees the battlefield as a map, and he needs to do thus to take the next path to victory. He loves it to be efficient and come out unscathed. His style is quick, fast strikes and constant attacks, moving with more bounce than others.
-If a Meister, can they fight on their own? If so, how (also applicable for some Weapons) : Yes, he has fought hand-to-hand, but he perfers his weapon Kitty.
-Personality: He is very bubbly, expressive, loud, and happy. He loves to talk and can hold up any conversation. He is very expressive and talkative, loving to simply hear himself speak. His weapon, Kitty, is his greatest priority and friend, and he loves being around her in a big brotherly way. He never gets tired of her tagging along, and since he really has little Intrest in girls, he has no where that she can't go. He knows about her little walks in the morning, Jim being more of a night owl. He can't cook to save his life, but it's ok since Kitty doesn't mind. He feels concern, worry, and a special bond between him and his weapon, his father being the loan shark to take away half her organs. He is trying to teach her sign language, but it's very hard for her, and she's just started learning.
-Relationship to DWMA: Same as her, just a student.
-What they want in a partner: (he already has one, but-) Someone who can stand all his talking, someone who doesn't find his ramblings annoying or boring, and someone he understands, someone his waveleingth can connect with so fully like hers.
-Ideal Weapon or weapon type (if meister): Mostly blades or swords.
-Family and History: His parents are huge time mobster/loan sharks and had him simply to carry on the legacy of them. He dislikes hurting people who are so pitiful as to be asking his parents for money, and only hurts when the person is a keshan. One day, he was walking the streets when he saw a figure limping in pain coming towards him. He stopped to help, recognizing the girl as the girl his father gave their 'doctor friend' a few hours ago. She had felt his waveleingth, and he hers. They stared into eachother, went out to hang out as friends and get to know eachother, and soon became partners, going into the DWMA together. He hadn't got to go earlier, and she was in his class by both of their insistence. They would never leave the other one. They would stick together, because one needed the other.
Kitty needed someone to trust dispite her faults and paranoia.
Taka needed someone to trust him dispite what his family did for a living.

Other important or random details:
WonderBoyP chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
-Name: Kitty Deene
-Age: 12
-Gender: Female
-Meiser or Weapon: Weapon
-Eye Colour: Electric yellowish-green
-Hair Colour: Deep ruby red.
-More Detailed Physical Description (including clothing): A thin, short dancers body with graveful curves and slightly pale skin. She never wears make-up save for the occasional cherry chap-stick, and many scars sway along her entire form, some from battles, other from her past. She wears a pair of grey jeans with a navy blue long sleeved shirt and a large jean jacket that seems to swallow her up. Her hair is loose and messy, and she has braces on her top teeth. Her hands are never still, always twitching, twirling pencils, or curling her hair around her finger.
-Weapon Form and Details (for weapons only): She turns into a long, double-edged, silver sword with a blood red handle and a neon yellowish-green gem in the middle. The gem is her eye, so she can see everything that's going on, and the blade is silver. When they go into Hunter forms:
Witch: Larger, glowing blade, slight curve
Jenie: Glowing, Samuari, curved blade, much bigger.
Keshan: Large, glowing Samuari blade with a blood red aurura, the largest of the blades, curving elegantly like a Samuari blade.
-If a Meister, can they fight on their own? If so, how (also applicable for some Weapons) : Yes, can turn her left arm into a blade (Like Soul) to fight with. Her fighting style is mostly deflect and dodge, then kick them when their down.
-Personality: She is very shy and silent, not ever fully trusting anyone except her Meister. She feels safest when with her Meister, and only relaxes when he's there. She follow's him like a puppy and is always seen with him. She loves to draw and write, and has an over-active imagination. She can often be seen doing random math problems or equations on scraps of paper, since math is her favorite subject. She is very withdrawn and shy, and is uncomfortable around other people, especially ones she doesn't know. She hates showing akin, and the scars that follow, and when she does smile, it is small and never fully reaches her eyes. Whenever she enters a room, she immediently scans it for students, possible exits, and threats to drear clear of. She is very paranoid and sticks to her Meister like glue. The only time she's alone is her walks early in the morning before anyone's up. She is an Extream morning person and loves taking short walks around the town, seeing everything in crisp early light and breathing the fresh air. Sge's always back by breakfast, and she's a wonderful cook.
-Relationship to DWMA: She is simply a student, no real relations.
-What they want in a partner: (She already has one, but anyway) Someone who will speak for her, who understands her and someone very talkative. Someone who she can trust and doesn't think she's a bother.
-Family and History: She grew up in a slightly smaller town just beside Death City, with more rats, drugs, and murder. Her mother died while giving birth to her, and her father was a horrid gambler and drunk. While she stayed home and studied or cleaned, he went to loan sharks for more cash, being unemployed himself. When he couldn't pay them back, he gave them Kitty instead. The loan sharks took her to one of their 'doctor friends' and operated on her, taking out her vocal chords, one of her kidneys, half her stomach, one of her kidneys, her appendix, her gaulbladder, and a bit of her small intestate to sell on the black market. As she sadly limped home from her last operation, the stealing of her stomach, she met her Meiser, Taka Naowa. He saw her and helped her to stand right. She felt his waveleingth and he hers. They became partners and enrolled into the DWMA together to train. She has not seen her father since, and only hopes he has stopped gambling yet.
-Other important or random details: She prefers action before word, and cannot speak. Her waveleingth shots are bright green, and
WonderBoyP chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
Name: CatEyes Deene

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Meister or Weapon: Weapon

Eye Colour: Electric yellowish-green

Hair Colour: Deep ruby red

More Detailed Physical Description (including clothing): She is a short, willowy girl with a dancer's body (thin, regular curves, etc.) her hair is flowy and riffled, falling to her shoulders, and there are scars marring almost every inch of her body. She wears a pair of grey jeans with a

Weapon Form and Details (for weapons only):

Fighting Style (mostly for Meisters):

If a Meister, can they fight on their own? If so, how (also applicable for some Weapons) :


Relationship to DWMA:

What they want in a partner:

Ideal Weapon or weapon type (if meister):

Family and History:

Other important or random details:
Nicola Dotollo chapter 1 . 4/3/2013


Age: 15 years old

Gender: Female

Meister or Weapon: Meister

Eye Colour: Violet

Hair Colour: Blonde

More Detailed Physical Description (including clothing): Ummmm, I guess my clothes would have a black bra-like top, black shorts with an awesome belt, black boots, black gloves like motorcycle riders are wearing and a cape like maka's. I would like to have a long hair too. Make me average in height, and HOT! (Seriously, I don't like a flat chest like Maka. HAHAHA! ) and a pretty face too! (LOL, I'm being too bossy, I'm sorry, I'm just so obsessed with this anime stuff)

Weapon Form and Details (for weapons only): Just like Kid's when he's in the "powerful" mode. My guns are attached to my arms, but don't make it too big. tnx!

Fighting Style (mostly for Meisters): Ahhh, just make me a meister with an awesome fighting style!

If a Meister, can they fight on their own? If so, how (also applicable for some Weapons) : No, I'm dependent on my weapons.

Personality: I'm friendly, smart and does ANYTHING for the persons she loves.

Relationship to DWMA: Student

What they want in a partner: Just like Soul :)

Ideal Weapon or weapon type (if meister): Gun

Family and History: I came from a far place with no family because they were killed , and strives to find them. I got to DWMA because I was training to be a good meister and fight the evil Asura who, apparently, killed my family.

Other important or random details: None :) I think I gave too much details already, especially with the physical description type hihihi :) Thank you by the way!
Tina-chan V chapter 1 . 4/3/2013

Name: Shoneko Jueruhato

Real Age: 13

How old she looks: When in a fight, she appears to be 24. Any other time, she looks her true age.

Animal Theme: A brown and white cat.

Attacks and Abilities: Since she's still young, her magic is usually used in a child-like manor. She can move fast and appear almost out of nowhere. Her favorite attacks are ones that confuse opponents. So often, she uses a spell called 'Dizzy Mind'. She can also make an opponent fall into a sleep with dreams of their worst fears.

Eye Color: Light brown.

Hair color: Most of it is dark brown. The right side of her bangs is white with brown specks.

Detailed description: She is exactly five-feet-tall. Her hair goes to her mid-back. Her teeth are cat-like, bearing sharp fangs. Her outfit is a classic japanese school-girl uniform with a dark blue tie. Around her wrists are bracelets with a cat-eye design on each.

Strength: 3

Personality: Happy and cheerful. When fighting is child-like, but serious.

Relationship with DWMA: Actually quite good. She helps whenever needed.

Family or History: Nothing known.

Random fact: She LOVES pickles.
kuroxusagi chapter 2 . 4/2/2013
Uhmm.. hey again.. In my last review, I actually meant Weapon, not Meister.. O u O Just clearing misunderstandings.
Uli Writes chapter 2 . 4/1/2013
Name: Kathlyn (Kathy) Gorkkengenia

Real age: 16

How old they look: 25

Animal theme: Otter

Attacks and abilities: She uses a black staff with golden wings, limiting her powers to only spells. She has the ability to use punches as rain!

Eye Colour: Blue Eye with violet splashed in them

Hair Colour: Red with black tips

More Detailed Physical Appearance: Red shoulder length hair with black tips, always held up in pigtails. Her eyes are wide, giving her opponents a disadvantage as they mistake her for an innocent teen girl. When she's not in battle, she is shown to be wearing a black knee-length dress and white boots. In battle, her dress is replaced with a white tank top and a black skirt with slit up her left leg(like Tsubaki's) and keeps her white boots.

Strength (on scale of 1-5 w/ 1 being lowest): 4

Personality: She has issues with mercy, making her one of the 'nice' witches. When it comes to battles, her mood is BITCHY betch.

Relationship to DWMA: She was originally supposed to be a student there, but, the school found out she was a witch and kicked/rejected her.

Family or History: N/A since she likes to keep secrets.

Other important or random details: Has a silver pet dog and likes to eat candy.
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