Reviews for The Quite Ordinary and Utterly Unremarkable Guide to Charming Glass
Mirage chapter 52 . 8/17
They go to sulliman. ...oh he really will be angry...
Hope this woman is not as mean and crazy as in anime ...but helpful ...

I so hope one day you come back and finish this interesting story -
Mirage chapter 49 . 8/17
I think he fully hit the nail on the head with his words... she made herself settle...forced her self to see her life as happy lovely alright ...
Mirage chapter 43 . 8/17
That is really cute of him she did say it does say a lot about him that he did give her silent companship and did read the books while she did sleep even when he did say he could not be bothered with this and brought her food-
Mirage chapter 41 . 8/17
He is possessive ..
i wonder...did he really not sleep in his bed after he lured her to go to sleep in it. ...he is quite pampered and likes his bed and soft things I can't really see him sleeping on the dusty mattress.
Mirage chapter 37 . 8/16
He is a bright one ...tugging he in like this when she is so sleepy and h himself does not want to talk at this moment of night...bammm sleep. ..Bo chance to stay awake when sleepy warm in soft bed and tugged in-
Mirage chapter 8 . 8/16
For that she is careful and try to blend in and accept her role in live ...she made a is as if you sign a contract without reading it. To do a instruction and read out words without really knowing what they do...and rading words who instricrvher ro xhange mistakes or woess somwthong an other way without someone being there. ..and not to question this... a little silly ...
Belle Sparrow chapter 52 . 4/19
I always love going back and reading through this story. Even knowing what lies ahead each scene has me excited to read what comes next and every time I reach the most recent chapter I'm tempted to start back at the beginning just to hold onto the magic a little longer. 10/10
SelfInfatuated chapter 52 . 10/6/2017
Hi there! I just stumbled upon this story the other day and boy, it's so lovely️! I wanna thank you for sharing such beautiful works... (I have had already bookmarked other story from you also from Studio Ghibli), and I was wondering if you plan on continue this wonderful work. I'm not pressuring you in any way, sorry if it is an inconvenience, since it's been a while with no updates, but I just really wanted to know. It is a really captivating fic. You have a terrific writing style, by the way!
lunacatkitten chapter 52 . 1/25/2017
2017 and what do I stumble upon but a most fantastical version of one of my favorite stories. It was much to my dismay when I reached this last chapter to find it unfinished and from a good amount of time ago. I do so hope that the muse may visit so that you might finish.
Mrs.MagnusB chapter 51 . 1/15/2017
*waves* uh yea hi? Over here? Yea I'm still here and reading lol
Mrs.MagnusB chapter 49 . 1/15/2017
...oh my god he's like Daredevil...
Mrs.MagnusB chapter 48 . 1/15/2017
Ok wait so how much can he actually see? Because if he can tell the silverware or whatever is shining and how clean the room is he can pretty much see everything
Mrs.MagnusB chapter 47 . 1/15/2017
Well I doubt she doesn't care...just got distracted
Mrs.MagnusB chapter 40 . 1/15/2017
Aaaaaaaannd now we hv one more in the circle lol
Mrs.MagnusB chapter 38 . 1/15/2017
It was only a matter of time until he got her into his bed Hahahaha
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