Reviews for Two kids and a baby
mikaela.finch chapter 4 . 3/24/2015
please write some more
Story Request chapter 4 . 2/3/2015
VPlease make a Story similar to the story called When Loves fades. A Final fantasy story where Tifa married Noctis.. but eventually married cloud.

I was Disgusted with Author making Cloud a Bad guy... Tifa never admit her love for cloud and Cloud just got over Being Mind Raped by Hojo. We all remember crisis core. And cloud left in stayed in aerith church because he was infected the Disease and Other personal reasons. Love is patient and enduring... Tifa in that story had no right being mad at cloud...when she herself never attempted to confesss.

So yeah Please Make a Story similar to that story but with both of Cloud and tifa moving on..

Clould in that story should of Moved on After Chapter 28..

Maybe base it on chapter 28.
fan chapter 3 . 10/19/2013
I love this story please continue posting
wesleycharles chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
I like it! A very different idea...Hinata and Naruto are breaking free of the hate they feel from those around them...and taking Hanabi too.
Godschildtweety chapter 4 . 8/29/2013
Really good
Lowbacca's Roar chapter 4 . 8/28/2013
Niiiice. This fic needs a beta reader, but dang, I really like it so far!

Keep up the good work!
Books52 chapter 3 . 8/20/2013
I swear to god if giants and maruto becomes part of the Akaski I'm out. He was trying not to get hated and ended up being part of the group who everybody is gonna hate.
Books52 chapter 1 . 8/20/2013
Yay! It's hanabi :D
Tsukuyomi11 chapter 4 . 8/19/2013
Good to know you're back man, been waiting forever this update! And you're right, Kishimoto is fucking up with the storyline. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended the manga with some M. Night Shamalayan type plot twist that makes zero sense. And then theres the Minato not being the creator of the Flying Thundergod, what a twist(Shamalayan voice)! Another thing that has me trippin is that people never noticed that there 5 people who know the technique. still though, its good to see you're back :)
adngo714 chapter 4 . 8/19/2013
Capcom needs ti make a game post X8-preMZ. Thay need to talk about the Elf Wars,
Hoytti chapter 3 . 5/21/2013
I loved this story so far. It has a believable storyline, it is well depicted, and the characters are within cannon. Also, I always believed that any normal person would have left Konoha a long time ago if they had Naruto's life.
adngo714 chapter 3 . 5/1/2013
Naruto can be trained in Itachi's Tsukoyami, but Hinata should also be trained in case Naruto is separated from them.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/1/2013
You can maybe write that them end in Kumo and became Kumo shinobi I can see the Irony in that. But this is your story continue with it.
SuperVegitoFAN chapter 3 . 5/1/2013
so those 2 days are that real time or tsukuyomi time? if you havent decided yet id go for the former... MUCH MORE training...

And 2 days i just cant see that EVER being enough even with shadow clones, but if we say 3 days in tsukuyomi 0 1 second irl then it will be... oh sheet 704 YEARS...

oh well retcon it a bit please... 2 days aint enough but 704 years thats waaay too much.

and besides... the yamanaka has GREEN eyes, super saiyan style... it might be iffy with ino (although its a pale green on the wiki img) but her DAD inoichi... thats not JUST green thats a dark, millitant green camuflage green check the wiki...
chaos267 chapter 3 . 5/1/2013
That was... hhilarious! Loved the ending with hanabi slapping naurto one of the best acceptnce scenes i've seen so far for people accepting naruto after he finds out. Itachi was good to as for trainning in Tsukuyomi i don't know its possible but usally would want to add some draw backs and stuff but still its works as long as naurto isn't to overpowered till he gets some real trainning. Well can't wait for more since you wont answer my questions...get out more content this is one of my all time fav naurto fics and its only 3 chaps so get more out
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