Reviews for The Loki Paradox
bettybeetle chapter 12 . 4/29/2014
A fast paced feast! V original and engaging Kept me reading to the v end. Good stuff.
nitawolfkin chapter 12 . 4/3/2014
That was great fun. You captured all of the voices well and kept me - and all of your other readers, I'm sure, guessing, right until the end. Very nicely done !
Thanks for a good read !

sunflower1968 chapter 12 . 2/17/2014
Thank you!
Two of my favourite programmes bought together in a beautifully detailed crossover.
Thoroughly enjoyed it.
I could hear 10's voice (I always can when reading fiction with him, but more importantly I could hear that of Bodie, Doyle & Cowley.
Loved it!
SomeoneElseNow chapter 12 . 2/5/2014
"What's a Cube and why do you pronounce it with a capital C?" Brilliant! That made me laugh! A very good story. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Qalam chapter 12 . 7/7/2013
*applause* Bravo! Well-written and suspenseful ending, everything I expected! I especially loved the way you wrapped it up by bringing us in a neat loop to the Doctor giving the Cube to Cowley, and the bonus of that unexpected encounter with the lads.

Protective!Cowley was also a treat, and as always, you nailed the banter between the lads, and the Doctor's dialogue - I could almost hear him saying the lines. I'm glad Parker hadn't known the effect that his making a deal with the Trickster would have, and that he put everything right in the end.

Thank you for all the time and effort you've put into this story, and for the cracking read!

Qalam )
Qalam chapter 11 . 6/14/2013
I'm sure it will be an awesome ending, don't worry! A bit of a foreboding title though - 'Promises Broken!' *bites lip anxiously* You've done an exceptional job so far, and I especially admire your courage in writing from the Trickster's point of view - and pulling it off so well too!

Apart from the fact that I think I know what Doyle found, I'm very much in the dark here, and tensely awaiting the finale - so update soon!

q chapter 10 . 6/10/2013
*fist pump* I guessed right! But I most certainly did not see that twist at the end of the chappie coming! Poor Ray - just can't catch a break can he?

Brilliant writing usual - I really felt for both the lads at the end - what are they going to do now!?

Update soon!

Qalam chapter 9 . 6/8/2013
Yep, definitely an improvement Ray - got it in one. So now it's down to the nitty gritty of the plot I suppose, and trying to figure out what went wrong...and make it less wrong. xD

I'm intrigued by what the Doctor was shooting at

Enjoying every installment, so keep up the good work!
Qalam chapter 8 . 5/29/2013
*shudders* The Trickster has always been able to freak me out more than any of the other creatures/aliens in Doctor Who (except perhaps the Weeping Angels O_o ) and so I'm all the more excited that Bodie and the Doctor now have a Plan D

That memory doesn't sound like it's too pleasant - and I think, maybe, just maybe, I have an idea of how Doyle died in that timeline...but we shall see whether or not I'm right )

Good going as always and please update soon!

Qalam chapter 7 . 5/22/2013
Oh dear - well, they need to hurry and rescue Ray not only for his sake, but also for Bodie's then!

Oh, and for the whole of London, of course xD

Hold on Ray - even if you can't figure your own way out, Bodie and the Doctor are coming!

Thanks for the regular updates - I get very excited every time I see there's a new chapter up! )

Qalam chapter 6 . 5/17/2013
Sorry I didn't review the last chapter, been a little busy lately! But I'm back now, and I must say that this is just getting more and more intriguing as it goes on! And yay for an appearence from Doyle! D Poor guy, stuck with the Trickster *shudders*

And poor Bodie too - that really sounds painful, but at least he seems to have remembered the angelfish :P I have a theory about Syd Parker and what happened, but I'm not going to say case I'm barking up the wrong tree completely!

Keep up the good work and thanks for the updates - see some more from you soon hopefully :)

Qalam chapter 4 . 5/4/2013
Just being too lazy to login ) Anyway, the story's building up really well, and I think you've nailed the way Bodie would react in such a situation.

As for the shortness of the chapters – well, as long as you keep them coming, I'm okay with that :P

Update soon!

Qalam chapter 3 . 4/17/2013
I'm not that big a fan of DW, but I love the way you've managed to integrate the two fandoms so well – and keep the characters IC!

CI5 without Ray!? Now that would be a terrible thing to witness – no prizes for guessing who's my favourite out of the lads! :P

Please update soon!

Qalam )