Reviews for Steady Hands
Erilin-chan chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
Still love the pink hair interlude (seriously it should be renamed that in his honour _). Interesting physiology...I hope this doesn't that mean we're gonna have to wait until the end of Another Side for fluff! :D
DJ Meltdown of Ground Xero chapter 1 . 3/30/2013
Hey friend good story. I liked how this one was in Cissnei's point of view
JazzQueen chapter 1 . 3/29/2013
Man,I feel sad for Cissnei because killing has always been apart of her life and it seems it prevents her from ever having a sense of in the case of having people who she has grown to to mention her growing attachement to Sephiroth and how she feels so conflicted coming to understand her feelings for him.
ryuukoshi chapter 1 . 3/29/2013
Oh no! Cissnei shouldn't think like that! But I love the way this was written. Very emotional and grim! Good job!

"Least of all him." Oh man that line is gold! I hope there is some continuation to this! I. Just. Love. This! Can't express anymore! Haha.