Reviews for The Assistant
LabRatsWhore chapter 44 . 12/24/2018
Haha this was so great, especially the Amber/Jeremy delio, and Leigh getting put in the cell before Caitlin acted like a jerk (why is Bree friends with her again?) and Claire acted like her bitchy self.

I also loved the bit of Amber asking Andre if he was going to play for the cubs- are you going to do something with Amber and the cubs winning the world series when/if you get to that part in the timeline?
KnightLawn chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
Wonderful story I really liked it.
JAKONB MINTAH chapter 1 . 4/1/2018
LabRatsWhore chapter 40 . 12/21/2017
Drew is an asshat. and yay for Chase for punching someone finally! that's all I got because I'm still pretty exhausted from school and then binge watching shows. and because otherwise Cyborg Shark Attack was a lame episode.
LabRatsWhore chapter 39 . 12/21/2017
wooo! finally getting to reading this! and it's going to be so fun with Douglas saying there. lol
Ophelia Claire chapter 38 . 10/25/2017
"No idea what you're talking about, already moved on to cold cuts" is like the most Adam line to ever be spoken and it's been a while since I've seen the episode but if it's not from the episode it totally could be.
Ophelia Claire chapter 37 . 10/25/2017
"I don't want anyone else getting hurt but you're my main priority." AWWWW ADAM what a sweetheart.
LabRatsWhore chapter 38 . 10/18/2017
Oh boy! You've finally made it this far in Season 3, and boy, do I have some stories to tell you about how crazy my life is now that I'm in college.
LabRatsWhore chapter 37 . 9/23/2017
I love Leigh's new abilities and the Leigh/Adam bits, and what you did with this episode, but college is really draining, and there are some places when you like accidently pressed enter in the middle of a sentence.
LabRatsWhore chapter 36 . 9/5/2017
ok this is definitely one of the stupidest Lab Rats episodes ever and I'm tired and college is kicking is kicking my ass already and it's fucking stressful and I'm still stressing out over the witchy advisor and the fucking ridiculous math placement test, but the highlights of this chapter were Adam telling Leigh she doesn't need all that crap on her face, the izzy and Chase bit, and leigh's uncle finding out about the bionics.
Ophelia Claire chapter 35 . 8/17/2017
Ooooh ok I neeeeeed Izzy to really be a good guy because we're FINALLY getting the Leigh/Izzy friendship and did I see a hint of Izzy/Chase?
LabRatsWhore chapter 35 . 8/17/2017
I loved the stuff with izzy and Leigh and Leigh being Adam's mess and the Joker reference- "why so serious?" - haha And community college is not always an option depending on what you want to do otherwise you have to make sure the credits will actually fucking be able to transfer to a big college later on because they don't always do and marijuana possession shouldn't be illegal, and like if Leigh was a freshman was that happened then she should be able to petition to get if off her records if she probes she's good with thereapy and shit and any college worthy of her going there should see she's working her ass off and it sounds like the counselor said she neeeded to work hard earlier and the. just now mentioned the 'problems', I hate people like that.

I'm moved in, have shitty residence hall wifi- my uncles going to get me my own internet separate from the college with a router later one- I have cable but I need a screwdriver to screw the stand into the tv because the speakers are on the bottom.

my mom and uncle still have stuff to mail me too.
Ophelia Claire chapter 34 . 8/6/2017
I love Amber more and more with each update. She's come so far from the shallow airhead we met way back when she first showed up...
LabRatsWhore chapter 34 . 8/1/2017
Once again, you made a filler episode 100x better. It was hilarious and I feel so bad for Izzy and I love Amber and Izzy having a date with Grey's anatomy, ice cream, and wine so, so much!
Ophelia Claire chapter 33 . 7/27/2017
Okay. I like Izzy. Reeeeeally hope she's actually on their side.
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