Reviews for Wick
BirdieKitKat chapter 45 . 4/23
I LOVE to know where you planned this story to go. I know it's been a long time since you updated, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that you come back to it someday.
TinkStar87 chapter 45 . 1/31/2018
Is this done or will there be an update? Read ya Later ;)
Julia sexyon chapter 45 . 7/19/2016
I just read all of it over a span of like 3 days and it was so good loved the character development but the ending frustrated me :(((((
Guest chapter 45 . 2/9/2016
Please update soon
DarkPhoenix101 chapter 7 . 1/30/2016
I was really enjoying this story up till now, but this chapter didn't seem to do much to advance the plot and felt rather contrived.

Mary's uncle insists she wears a dress he bought her (I didn't think men at that time took such interest in the minutiae of their female relatives day to day wardrobe choices) which happens to be too small forcing poor Mary to lace her corset tighter than usual and faint as a result.

It all seems like a device to allow both author and readers to smugly congratulate themselves on how much more enlightened they are than those poor benighted savages of the early 20th Century. Well perhaps we are, but I've no doubt there are many modern customs we consider perfectly normal that our descendants in 100 or so years time will look on with as much disdain as we do pre-1920's corsetry.

Although I didn't especially care for this chapter I will continue to read and hope you quickly get back to the main plot.
Approximately Samara chapter 44 . 1/3/2016
This was lovely :) I was very mad when dicken came back, they were all stable and then he just had to rock the boat! But it all worked out in the end :) I'm assuming this is the end, right? It doesn't say completed but it seems pretty wrapped up, except what Thomas keeps trying to say to her and the new deal and you haven't updated for a bit.
TinkStar87 chapter 44 . 1/1/2016
Ahhh, cliff-hanger - kind of. Really love this story hope you update again soon. Until then Read ya Later ;)
Guest chapter 44 . 10/14/2015
PLEASE UPDATE! Love this story ur an amazingly talented writer!
Antheia Gwynn chapter 44 . 5/22/2015
Ugh I love this story so much, you are fantastic for writing it!

I can't help but feel sorry for Colin though, and the parallels between him and his father are heart-breaking :(
storyteller362 chapter 43 . 5/17/2015
So Mary and dickon did get together! Now we're getting roses story, good job.
kelli maguire chapter 42 . 4/8/2015
It's been awhile since I've been back at this story. It's totally pulled me back in, and I'm loving it
PhantomWhispers chapter 41 . 3/8/2015
I am so glad that you've been able to continually perform well throughout the writing of this story. Fantastic job.
storyteller362 chapter 41 . 3/5/2015
Yea Lydia's back! I was hoping to have her end up with Colin. I wonder how to whole Rose thing will peter out?
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 41 . 3/5/2015
Oh things are not looking good now...
PhantomWhispers chapter 40 . 2/28/2015
This chapter was wonderful. You perfectly executed it.
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