Reviews for The threat of Eric
RandomReader chapter 8 . 7/31/2018
Karma my friend, karma. That’s what you get for hurting tris you *censored*
RandomReader chapter 7 . 7/31/2018
RandomReader chapter 5 . 7/31/2018
Nuuuuuu! Tris! Why u drink the scotch?!
RandomReader chapter 3 . 7/31/2018
I love this chapter, I hope four knows that tris doesn’t like what eric’s doing though.
RandomReader chapter 1 . 7/30/2018
Ooooo...intense! I like it. Overprotective Tobias cute : )
jojuarez26 chapter 32 . 7/30/2018
I hope you decide to update this again in the future
Fourtris476 chapter 32 . 5/9/2018
Please please please write more! I know this was like a long time ago but just finished reading and want more!
tamwhit chapter 31 . 4/14/2018
please make it a tris and eric pairing i love them together
tamwhit chapter 32 . 2/27/2018
please continue with this story

i would love to know what happens next
Anon chapter 32 . 11/6/2017
...What happens Next?! I know this was ages ago but PLEASE UPDATE! 3
usernameherepls chapter 32 . 8/19/2017
I know it's been like four years but update lol
HermioneHerondale chapter 3 . 4/1/2017
Great suspense! Keep it up! However, you might want to put quotation marks like so;
"When I say 'jump', you say 'how high?'."
Otherwise, it sounds as if Tris decides how high she jumps. But hey, we've all done it!
jonnmandy1216 chapter 32 . 2/3/2017
Amazing book! Kind of sad you stopped writing, sadly even though all the abuse i want to see her and Eric reunited with the war done and see him and four battle for tris's attention and ultimately love!
Sad chapter 32 . 1/30/2017
Why did u stop? It was SO good. U have SO much talent!
secret chapter 5 . 12/20/2016
wow, Eric is being a savage! lol great chapter!
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