Reviews for Death of Stars
tigerlily124 chapter 12 . 6/16/2019
Very well done! I honestly hated a lot of the stars arc, but you made it good. Thanks!
Amber chapter 12 . 6/30/2018
Okay, I should have been reviewing every chapter along the way, I should have. But I've been tearing through every story in this series by downloading them and reading them on the metro and during my breaks at work. Seriously, they've made me look forward to my commute, which is amazing. Thank you so much for how amazing these stories have been and how much time and effort you've put into them. Honestly, they're amazing and you're amazing and 10/10 would recommend.
NightSky chapter 12 . 12/29/2016
I just finished reading all of the stories in this series up until this one and I loved it! I simply couldn't stop until I reached the final chapter. I've always wanted to know what came after Stars up until Crystal Tokyo. And hopefully see a different ending than the endless war between Chaos and Cosmos!
Jakeros chapter 12 . 5/10/2016
What a ride!
From start to finish I regret nothing these last two days! This series was so totally worth it!
Good rewrite? Check.
Senshixshitennou goodness? Check!
OTP awesomeness? Check, check and check!
All of your stories were amazing and have earned themselves a favorite spot in my SM fanfiction archives. Excellent work.
I am a little disappointed that it's over but thanks to you I was finally able to finish off the majority of the final 2 seasons. Now I know everything leading up to the end of stars, and whew, what a ride man.
I was a little bummed out that you never did the other two movies but, I'm sure just finishing this was enough of a headache. I'm glad it's finished too. Completed I mean. Too many good senshixshitennou fics remain incomplete to this day. It's sad but true.
I'm also netting you as one of my favorite authors. As a thanks for this totally awesome series!
But sadly I must bid thee adieu.
Till then, take care and best of luck.
Write on!
Jakeros chapter 8 . 5/10/2016
Damn it, this is just seriously messed up. I can't help but feel for zane, I really can't. Poor guy.
Jakeros chapter 7 . 5/10/2016
All inners; two shitennou...
Who's next?
Jakeros chapter 6 . 5/10/2016
I...I'm not even going to say anything. But you just tore my heart apart and shit on the tatters.
But it's not over, not yet.
Jakeros chapter 5 . 5/10/2016
Oh geez.
Now look at this mess. Jadeite is the man with a plan, but it is really hard to trudge through all this. It's heartbreaking, really.
Jakeros chapter 4 . 5/10/2016
You. Heartless. BASTARD!
Rip out my heart and throw it to the wolves why don't you?! *bawls incoherently*
She better come back... Oh sweet selene she BETTER come back!
Jakeros chapter 3 . 5/10/2016
Rei's dad makes me want to punch something - preferably him.
Jakeros chapter 2 . 5/10/2016
Senshi down! Senshi down!
Holy crap! Shit just got real - well actually it got real last chapter, but now we're in it.
Jakeros chapter 1 . 5/10/2016
Holy hell... That escalated quickly!
Oh man, how's poor usa-chan going to survive this catastrophe?
Hafesha chapter 12 . 6/1/2015
I read all of the TTT installments in less than a week (vacation has had a slow start) and I absolutely loved them! I really hope you continue the series, it really is an amazing read and you're writing style is so good.
Ascella Star chapter 12 . 2/11/2015
I am not exactly sure when I began to read this series, or even what compelled me to do it in the first place... But I must say I don't regret it... So if you are planning in continuing them be assured I will be here reading them

But now onto the story.

You made me cry! Seriously I cried with jomei and with mamoru and fuck mina kunz and neph... I was like nooooo!

I almost thought you will make a rather cruel ending having chaos win this time... I was seriously bracing myself for the worst.

Excellent stories. Really.

So... Until the next time!
shields07 chapter 12 . 2/6/2015
I have to say you have written one of the best AUs I have ever read! I have enjoyed reading your stories to the point I was sacrificing sleep b/c I really could not put down my phone! I really hope u continue to write! U have an amazing gift & I have enjoyed reading ur stories!
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