Reviews for Because I Love You
Guest chapter 12 . 5/2
GOD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, it's honestly so good and funny and wholesome, I can't get enough of this, you're seriously an AMAZING writer. keep it up sweetie 3
MeowwZie chapter 38 . 4/22
I read this all in one go while listening to a music playlist and at the last chapter Avicii-Hey Brother started. It's so wholesome! I loved all of it.
JustReader04 chapter 9 . 3/24
Thanks for your work. It is really good. And now I am sitting with dictionary for translating, because I am from Kazakhstan. But it isn't a big deal. Because I get a practice for my English and a pleasure from your work. ️
Guest chapter 29 . 8/12/2018
They better have locked the door
Callahian chapter 10 . 8/4/2018
Love this story so much!
One thing hit me though: when Mikoto discovered Sasuke’s cuts on his wrist, she acted so nice! Two years ago when I was in a dark period of my life, my mother discovered my cuts as well and guess what she did: she got angry, yelled and blamed me for doing it. She never even asked once if I was okay. So it hit me in the feelings when I saw how worried Mikoto was for Sasuke.
Elleisabella chapter 1 . 6/17/2018
Repeating what has already been said but I loved this. It was hot.. emotional.. funny in places. I am sad you seem to be inactive but i can imagine writing takes Alot of time!
I loved your other stories too. I hope one day you will get back to it :) xx
SassyChip chapter 1 . 5/21/2018
Hey yo, I know ur inactive but I’d just like to say I love ur fic, finished it in like half a day barely nonstop and I absolutely adored every part of it, if you were to ever return please continue writing your amazing :P
Its Me chapter 38 . 5/17/2018
It’s 2018, and I’ve read this entire 38 chapter book in about a week. THAT'S how good it was. I read it all day, and at night, like right now, I'd take out my phone while my parents slept. This has to be the BEST itasasu fic I have EVER READ. No jokes or sarcasm. The story had so much emotion and cliffhangers, I couldn’t stop reading. I cried and laughed with all they’ve been through, just to be together. And the ending? Wow. Satisfying and amazing. I’ve been out searching for a story like this for MONTHS, and it seems I’ve finally found one with an amazing plot and romantic scenes. I’ll read this over and over again, and I won’t get the LEAST BIT bored reading it. Awesome.
Hiiii chapter 38 . 8/19/2017
I'm really impressed with how well you wrote the effects of being abused. Itachi may have seemed fine but when he met Fugaku(bastard) again, he could not stop remembering. PTSD happens to lot of abused people even though they try to supress their memories, it still surfaces later on. The fact that Itachi was still strongly affected and still is even though he tries to be the reliable, strong brother makes it so much more believable and realistic. Even Sasuke's reactions of being abused is not unusual, it is quite common exert overly sexual, bortherline unhealthy urges after such an traumatic event. Despite morals and ethics, your story enjoyable, thank you for your hard work. Perhaps, it may have even helped someone struggling and lost.
Aevlah chapter 38 . 7/5/2016
God, finally over!
I wish you read the comments, looks like it has been a long time you became inactive, right?
Drama full here, extremely SasUKE, I like it though. Hahaha, I thought all suffering was I've and then you come back with something else.
Nice job. I hope you come back and write some more stuff
yuganda chapter 24 . 6/25/2016
''well you see, i think art is an explosion...'' deidara's at it again
yuganda chapter 20 . 6/21/2016
''pedomaru'' :D
yuganda chapter 5 . 6/21/2016
ah, fuck. i feel like crying
shadowphantomness chapter 22 . 4/4/2016
Yay! Finally consensual Uchihacest... I suspected Orochimaru was going to show up and the Tsunade/Mikoto was a nice touch~
sazunaki chapter 38 . 9/20/2015
loved it~! :D
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