Reviews for Telling
HoneyBear84 chapter 1 . 7/20/2019
Loved it but wish it was longer
DONE394 chapter 1 . 12/31/2017
Harry should have SLAPPED Sirius or at the very least rattled his and Remus's heads together!
TimeyWimeyBadWolf chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
I don't like the ship, but I do think you did a good job of writing this. The idea of Harry as an artist is unique, but also fits well.
PiffyEQ chapter 1 . 11/1/2015
I love the banter between Sev and Harry. The 'proposal' was hilarious - I could totally see Sev doing that haha
Louise chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Loved it. Glad Harry told his godfathers where to go!
SerenFach chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Loved it ! really really enjoyed it x
Gracealma chapter 1 . 11/20/2014
I like! Most honest in the portrayal of Sirius and Remus. Sirius' hate runs deep for Severus and Remus could have helped but he was too afraid. They are both jerks! Glad that Harry and Severus worked through their problems and became a couple.
Saint Snape chapter 1 . 11/17/2014
I really doubt if Sirius would have ever accepted Harry with Severus. His hatred of Severus just runs too deep and I never understood why. Severus I could understand why he hated Sirius because he sent him to the Shrieking Shack where Remus could have killed him. I would expect better of Remus but he's a coward so him siding with Sirius isn't surprising. Harry isn't James and I think that's their HUGE problem. I never understood why Harry even thought about being an auror with what all he went through as a child. It seems to me he'd have had enough of hunting bad wizards. A healer I could understand but never an auror. I love how gently Severus reinforces to Harry he should do what makes him happy and not be forced by what others think he should do for a living. Good story.
Alie-yaoi chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
i like
ani chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
to be honest, this is probably the only realistic depiction of this situation. i doubt they'd make a big deal of what job Harry took, but you have to admit this is how Sirius and Remus would have reacted if Harry and Severus hooked up.
XxZessxX chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
I liked it. Sirius and Remus were really not nice to Harry but you are right you can't always write everyone beeing nice and peachy.
Gleas chapter 1 . 2/26/2014
Sirius is expected to be an ass... but i had thought better of Remus... XD
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2014
Sequel time! Yay? :)
Elkei Snape chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
Great story, but I find Remus' reaction too heavy for him. haha
He's normally the one who always calmed Sirius, and here he's as frustated as Sirius is.

Good story though.

Elkei Snape
bookivore chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
I'm wondering why I like this so much - I think it's because Harry in the later books turns into such a doormat. Oh, yes, I'll become an Auror to piss Umbridge off and please McG., I'll forgive Dumbledore for messing with me all of 5th year, I'll do just what Dumbledore wants because I've given up on having my own opinion and making my own decisions. Seeing him standing up to the people he cares about is a great thrill.
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