Reviews for Here and Gone
sakuralangert chapter 1 . 12/31/2002
i cant get any more. NOOOOOO stupied site all it says is 'story not found'. all i get is chapter 1 PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE e-mail me the rest of this wonderful story
sakuralangert chapter 1 . 12/31/2002
i cant get any more. NOOOOOO stupied site all it says is 'story not found'. all i get is chapter 1 PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE e-mail me the rest of this wonderful story
Silvercherrywolf chapter 14 . 10/8/2002
WOw its one of the millionth story i've read and i love it! *runs around screaming of joy* Well plz postanother story soon
Hayley chapter 14 . 10/7/2002
The time has come, the walrus said, to give my last review, to say I loved that story, and to congratulate you
Silvercherrywolf chapter 12 . 9/27/2002
more i wanna no wuts next!
Hayley chapter 1 . 9/19/2002
If you don't post the next chapter soon I will write it for you and then your story will be very unpopular :P SO hurry up and write the next chapter... and Bob says hi
more chapter 12 . 9/2/2002
more more mmmm more
The Quill Jr chapter 12 . 8/31/2002

Kero: 'Wai' is not a remark...

lilyflower: *glares* Don't be cynical.

Kero: I am -

lilyflower: *death glare*

Kero: Fine.

lilyflower: *all smiles* CONTINUE!

Kero: *death glare* Shut up...

lilyflower: *glare* Thats was pure incorigible, Kero-CHAN...

Kero: Why you -

lilyflower: *looks defiantly* Yes?
cherrywolf chapter 12 . 8/30/2002
Where did shaoran go? great job on the chappie once again
im crazy so dont mind me chapter 12 . 8/30/2002
And the mint humbug said to the chicken:

"Great story isn't it"

And the chicken replied:

"Yes indeed it is. Would you like a cookie?"
wolfcherry chapter 11 . 8/30/2002
wow great job once again Teren
me chapter 11 . 8/30/2002
hi you have 40 reviews i dont care if ya want to add 20 and 30 just get more chapters! (and i guess tomoyo)
kazycat chapter 3 . 8/30/2002
How cool! That chp was really good! Plz don't put yourself down! trust me I write all the time and I literely mean write all the time, when I get the chance! and I know good writing when I know it and you are good! You should try an original story for a change! You never know! Some other writer or publisher might want you to write for them! Tonnes of people have gotten offers like that before! You rule! I wanna read your other story now to find out what you keep talking about! Cya!
kazycat chapter 2 . 8/30/2002
Oh my god! I was crying twice as much in that chp! It was breathtaking and touching! You have a very good way with words! I love it! But I hate it how Tomoyo's gone! They were such a good couple! Ohhhhhhhh! Don't worry Eriol darling! I'm coming! Don't be sad! You've always got me!
kazycat chapter 1 . 8/30/2002
Oh my god! You killed one of my bestest fav characters! oh my god! I'm crying now! I cry a in every story when someone dies but that was sad! snif sniff! I'm not lieing truely! I'm really crying! This is so sad! How could you kill Tomoyo! Why couldn't you kill of Meilin? Waaaaaaaaaa! I'd better read some more! This is good! Cya!
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