Reviews for Building on the Ruins
didntfindaluckypenny chapter 4 . 3/1/2014
Ohmygod this chapter was so heart breaking..and it's so easy to see through Kate's eyes here, her sadness and loneliness and desperation... :( she really needs Caroline to be there for her and it's not easy to say it out loud, I think you portraited that wonderfully!
didntfindaluckypenny chapter 3 . 3/1/2014
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love the Caroline-Gillian relationship so much, thanks for covering that :D And I also love that Caroline's worried about Kate and goes to G. when she needs someone to talk to about it. There's just something about them... they make such an interesting pair of friends, conversational partners- because of their opposites but also similarities...ok I'm drifting off here lol (but Im gonna read your other stories as well!) :)
didntfindaluckypenny chapter 2 . 3/1/2014
Hi :) Really love your story! You got the characters so well, and their acting speaking is very spot on. And now with what Alan said, that was very heart warming...
ThePoacher chapter 4 . 2/7/2014
Really liked your story! Only just found it, so as it's long past now, I guess your not continuing this story? Would have liked more?
Zarathustrian chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
My goodness! This, this is the FF I've been waiting to read for LTiH! You write beautifully, the words just seem to flow across the page although I know as a writer that isn't always the case on your end! This first chapter made me laugh, made me tear up a little (because I adore Kate and she's so sad right now!) and it made me want more. I'm truly hoping that you will continue this! It's magnificent.
GirlonaBridge chapter 4 . 8/17/2013
That chapter was heart-breaking. I get really tense when things happen on the edges of cliffs or buildings or high windows so I hope Caroline goes and gets her soon. Love the bits from Gillian and Lawrence too.
GirlonaBridge chapter 3 . 6/21/2013
Oh my goodness - there's so much going on here. I love Gillian's reactions. Taking it for granted that she'll be wanted for something, recognizing that she cares about Caroline and then immediately offering help. Also like how this is leading up to more Gillian/Caroline friendship/interaction! Oh and the bit about the tea-time. Perfect.

Poor Kate though and poor Caroline. I can really hear her sounding so upset and not knowing how to talk about it. Just writing this, I've just realised that you've got the contrast between Gillian and Caroline going on, like in the programme, with the amount of people they have around them. Very clever.
I'm very interested to see how this goes - especially with the alcohol aspect. Last Tango does have an unusual amount of characters with varying degrees of alcoholism. I'm curious to see how you write Kate dealing with things and Caroline coping with Kate (if she finds her - I hope she finds her!)
I'm sure it will be brilliant!
GirlonaBridge chapter 2 . 4/27/2013
I adore Alan! You captured him so well. I feel like I'm watching him. You've got all their voices beautifully actually. Poor Kate. It's interesting that Caroline is trying to open up to her here and Kate is finding it hard.
I love the feel of the farmhouse too, that warmth and how easily people relax there.
rosetintedblindspot chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
Love every bit of it! Thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter!
Ceridwyn2 chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
This was just delightful, and sad. Looking for much more of it. :)
GirlonaBridge chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Oh oh oh... this is so beautiful and adorable at the beginning and so heartbreaking at the end. I was awwwing like mad all the way through. I love how you've described all their wedding outfits - I can just picture them. And I can hear everyone's voices. Especially Alan and Caroline. Caroline talking ridiculously bad French is brilliant and "once a headteacher, always a headteacher" -spot on.
Poor Kate. It is incredibly hard watching that happen to someone you love. It's really interesting that you're looking at that side of the story because we haven't seen anything about it in the programme yet. I hope she finds a way to cope with it all.
And I'm happy to wait till July for you to write another chapter, as long as there is more coming when you get the time :)
KT chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Love it. Thank you and please write some more
SassyRaydorGirl chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Hannah, I love this. You have the Characters pinned perfect. I attempted to write a Tango in Halifax but binned it. Glad you succeeded :)