Reviews for HiJack Drabble: Shopping At Target
RandomGay chapter 1 . 8/28/2019
Okay so there’s not an easy way to say this but, this was the first gay content I was ever exposed to. It was really important to me and really helped my development and happiness. I was struggling religiously to accept I was different. And the fact that you touched on it was really important. The way this was written is still really well done, a lot of fic on this site falls into some stereotypes. But when u posted this you definitely weren’t expecting some 12 year old “girl” to learn to accept himself and to develop into the gay trans ordeal that I am. Thank you, without the first good impression I got thanks to you, I would likely be somewhere lost and still trying to desperately understand myself.
Argentum Anubis chapter 1 . 4/2/2019
Go Hiccup and Jack!
Jeez, that woman made me want to scream. The fact that she was so dislikeable is great, especially since characters like her are so hard to write.
And OMG, Julia. That last line made me burst out laughing. I did not expect that. I ship them so much, especially since their sass makes them basically unstoppable. Now every time I go to the store, all I'll be able to think about will be Hiccup and Jack kissing to get back at that evil witch and a girl screaming that they're like Disney princesses. XD
Thank you so much for sharing this story. It is officially one of my favorite ones ever.
SKitsuneDragon chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
Jazebeth chapter 1 . 12/11/2017
I was kinda expecting Hiccup to deliver more sass than this, something like "Everyone goes to hell eventually. if holding hands made you go to hell, then what the hell, might as well fuck some guys"
Plasma Snow chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
Oh this was great! And I love the little girl at the end!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/2/2016
That child is hilarious. I never understand people who are against all homosexuals. It just doesn't make sense. And now everyone associates Christians with that awful hatred too and it's all just so messed up. I've actually done something similar infront of someone like Julia's mom before. Her face was histarical! Though... I definitely had to explain to my very straight friend later exactly what I was doing.
Tyki075 chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
This is so amazing. I just... can't. So fabulous. Awesome job!
faisyah865 chapter 1 . 8/16/2015
My-name-is-a-drug-legit chapter 1 . 8/15/2015
Oh god, that last line! Hahaha! I really like this. I honestly get annoyed when slash authors write stories where everyone is perfectly okay with homosexuality. I wish it was true, but it isn't and it just makes the story unrealistic. I don't want a character to get beat up for being gay, obviously. I just don't want people to act like homophobia isn't a serious problem, because pretending it doesn't exist won't make the problem go away.

I liked this story because it was sweet and sassy and, though there was homophobia, it wasn't oppressive and it made me feel happy to see my two favorite characters being their sassy, nerdy selves.
pizzaintensifies chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
I actually really kinda want a 10 years in the future thing with Julia and Hijack and Julia is a gay trans man and sees Jack and Hiccup and is like "I remember you! You guys helped me realize this!" Because that would just be amazing
dragon congelado chapter 1 . 5/23/2015
They're like Disney princesses!
I liked that line. It was quite amazing.
Keep up the good work!
KitchenCabinetsGhost chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
This is literally my favourite type of story! I actually plan on doing this if someone decides to be homophobic in the presence of me and my girlfriend (if I ever get one, haha)
Dire Kumori chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
I really want to adopt Julia. And Hiccup and Jack.
Kristen chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Seriously, do we live in a world where a mother who wants her daughter to wear dresses turns into oppression? weak... super weeeeaaaakkkkkkk
blitz-lili chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
"Disney princesses" hell yeah they are! xD

Really cute one!
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