Reviews for At The End Of The World
Blainemuilove chapter 10 . 4/5/2015
I just realize all ur chapter titles r fall out boy lyrics XD totally awesome youngblood ;P
IWantYouToBe chapter 10 . 9/24/2013
I put off reading this story for so long because of the subject matter, but today I decided to read it because I've been a fan of your writing since Bite Your Lip Pull Me In (which I'd love to see more of).

This story was so compassionately witten, without easy fixes but also without unnecessarily dwelling on misery. Chapter 1, while horrific, was not sensationalised or more drawn out than was necessary.

I would like to know if the rapist was ever caught, although I understand it shouldn't be the focus of the story, Blaine's recovery is.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/14/2013
This really is an astounding story. You write with such compassion and sensitivity, and technically you are very strong indeed. You should be very proud of what you have created here- it makes my heart ache to read it, but never have I read something, whether it be FanFiction or published text, that has conveyed as accurately and as painfully the horror and longevity of emotional trauma. Outstanding work. You are extremely talented.
SonofLuffy chapter 10 . 9/9/2013
Yay! I shall wait for more of what people suggest to you. I will try to think of something. Or next you can write the time that Blaine is able to go all the way again with Kurt. :3
SonofLuffy chapter 8 . 9/9/2013
So, I am just catching up on this and I am sobbing like crazy and now I have a slight headache. *huggles* You are so cruel to Blaine but that is how this story goes and I love reading every word of your stories. I like stories with emotion and passion and everything. Rollercoaster(though I don't like real ones XD)
NightFlint chapter 10 . 9/8/2013
Could you do one where Blaine goes to talk to a young boy who was raped in a similar circumstance and Blaines a lot older and has (mostly) come to terms with it.
Charleygyrl chapter 10 . 9/7/2013
Oh wow. :( blaine is so brave though. :) he really did try. Time will heal. I believe in them both. I'm very surprised how far this fic has gone! I'm very proud of you! You're , indeed, BRILLIANT! :D
Pls continue to write. :)
hma1010 chapter 10 . 9/7/2013
Poor Blaine! This was great and really realistic of what his recovery would be like!
Man of Many Pairings chapter 9 . 9/6/2013
Such a beautiful story! Please write a happy epilogue, I need to go read something upbeat now... But it was a wonderful fic, thanks for sharing! :)
Man of Many Pairings chapter 2 . 9/5/2013
This is such a great story. Visceral, painful, but so enjoyable to read in the sense that it's refreshingly well-written.
TRIC4R chapter 9 . 9/5/2013
Speechless really
WaitingForThisMomentToBeFree chapter 9 . 8/23/2013
GAHH! Oh Rayychel,
This chapter felt not like an ending, but a BEGINNING to the healing of both Blaine’s trauma and Klaine’s relationship!
If you…oh IDK, ever decide to make this novel length and continue their journey, you will have a faithful reader in me! ;-)

-Sam’s storyline and emotional reactions/ impact throughout this story have been truly stellar.
-Kurt’s words to Blaine while he was sleeping in the hospital were very emotional to read and you could really “Feel” the intensity of the fear and emotion emoted by Kurt.
- You conveyed an excellent warning sign to suicidal ideation … When someone makes a statement such as -“I’m just So Tired…”. What this is articulating is a sense of total defeat and hopelessness. :-(

So many excellent passages however this one sentence really affected and resonated with me: "I did it because I knew that I'd never be the same person ever again."
For anyone who has had any kind of life altering moment, you know this to be true – you never will be the same person ever again. It’s a powerful observation.

Your story has certainly been emotionally challenging to read but I am so very glad that I did!
Congratulations Rayychel on yet another wonderful piece of work!
seanix00bs chapter 9 . 8/15/2013
This is such a heartbreaking but awesome story! Glad to see a happier ending for everyone!
mkjrhodes chapter 9 . 8/10/2013
Great story! Will there be a sequel anytime in the future?
Azaelia67 chapter 9 . 8/6/2013
Amazing chapter, so beautiful... Looks like his attempt at suicide "woke him up" in some way. So great, I fall in love with this story more and more at each chapter. Please update soon !
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