Reviews for Dragon Queen
Guest chapter 16 . 1/1/2016
I am totally shipping Calenfaire with awesomeness! Oh, and Glorfindel with Coruwen too, I guess.
Samuel La Flame chapter 35 . 2/27/2014
I like that she loves Glorfindel, I really do. I think that he is perfect for her. But please do not make her forget or not care for Thorin anymore. Let her move on, let her experience love again but please let her remember Thorin, let a small part of her heart belong forever to him. You can love more than one person so please let part of her love Thorin. That's just my suggestion. Great story!
DesolationDeath chapter 5 . 2/5/2014
will u indulge me today where do these add come from like a manga saying that uncalled for plus pick up the slack no details in this it is a storyline with no story you know what I am saying you have to be one with the story to truly understand the story remember storyline without any story like a song without words you wouldn't think it is real
DesolationDeath chapter 3 . 2/5/2014
DETAILS DETAILED INFO WHAT YOU WOULD SAY IF IT WAS A BOOK you need more details in it good story line not good details
johnny.trifunov chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
Awesomness! :D and i just started reading it :D I love Smaug however in this :D
Aralinn chapter 35 . 11/30/2013
Sorry it took me so long to response to this chapter, life has been CRAZY! however, this last chapter was amazing! An I'm so sad I see it come to an end, I've gotten so attached tote characters, but I couldn't be more thrilled about the new story:) you're an amazing writer!

Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 34 . 11/16/2013
I'm so glad she set Freya free, I wish wish wish there was a way they could be together :( that she could have a new life with Coruwen as they both are now free. However, I hate you have writers blocks BUT I'm glad the story isn't quite over yet, I'm not ready to say goodbye to the characters just yet!

Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 29 . 11/10/2013
I could so smack Glorfindel now, does he not see what he is putting her through, and that legolas is moving on?! I mean really! Men can be way too stubborn sometimes!

Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 27 . 11/10/2013
Thank gah Glorfindel woke! Now for Rumil, he can't die! Lol I am loving the little dragons and their personalities, you've created them very well. I'm also pleased to see that Freya survived! Great chapter once again!

Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 24 . 11/8/2013
Another great chapter :) I'm very sad I have to stop reading for the night XD I can't believe they are all so severely wounded (well sort of lol ) but I think you wrote it very well. We had enough to know details but it wasn't over done, great job!

Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 22 . 11/6/2013
No no no! freya cannot die! Coruwen must find a way to stop it. Where is heimdall?(I know I probably butchered that spelling XD) great way to leave me wanting more when I have school work and can't lol

Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 18 . 11/3/2013
Hmmm so who was the wyrm that Smaug killed earlier, and what was the point of Castamere following heimdall to his lair? Questions questions lol. Well I've always been a legolas fan, but I'm starting to like the idea of her having a relationship with Glorfindel, so props to you for changing my mind lol!

Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 14 . 11/2/2013
There are a few grammatical errors, but once again my phone won't let me copy any to show you lol. However, it's not touch and nothing that takes away from the story. I like your portrayal of Aragorn in this chapter.

Your history of the dragons is very interesting and complex which I take to show how much time you've put into this story and you're dedication, great job!

Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 10 . 10/30/2013
Hmmm, there is something I am not liking about himon-between his knowing legolas' thoughts, Glorfindel's warning and just his general mannerisms lately in the story. And legolas asking her not too give her heart away, does he feel more than just friends? And it seems she is starting to feel for Glorfindel? Hmmm guess I need to keep reading. I am glad to see she spoke to Galadriel about her visit from Thorin, that's a start I think.

Anyway, great chapter
Happy writing
Aralinn chapter 5 . 10/27/2013
So I have to assume she lost a loved one, but who? Really interested in her past and what happened between her and Haldir. Hmmm. I like your incorporation of the dragons too. I have had ideas using them in LOTR stories, but never found a way in which I wanted to do it, I think that is another reason, other than the good plot line and well written characters I wanted to read this story. I can't wait to read more!

Happy writing
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