Reviews for The legend of Spyro: New Faces
SenpaiMcSweenComer2016 chapter 3 . 5/5/2013
Hello! Seems like every time I find something good to read, I'm usually three chapter behind (sad face). On the contrary, I can read pretty fast, it took me 'bout a half hour or so to read it. Don't hav much to say, uhhhhhhhhh, chapters are interesting uhhhhhhhh, keep it up...I guess. Well, that just about does for an AWESOME REVIEW from an AWESOME PERSON for an AWESOME STORY! (too much exaggeration?)

And as always, this is gr4n1t3 th3 dr4g0n signing out...
Sregor01 chapter 3 . 5/4/2013
Nice story. Great character development so far, but I do have to say the Ally scares me. *shudders* Any-who, looking forward to more!
htffan951 chapter 3 . 5/3/2013
I found this chapter to be very amusing. You and Troi have done a fantastic job on this chapter. I will be looking forward to read more
Dragon of the Sun - Bal Dragon chapter 2 . 5/2/2013
There is Nothing Wrong with the Chapter,besides you Gotta Make Chapter Titles
Darkness Oversoul chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
Look at you, doing everything perfectly. I LOVE your creativity and ideas, they really enrich this...

why do I get the feeling that this is going to get 200 reviews in its lifetime? :)
htffan951 chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
Very interesting story so far. To me though it is moving a little fast but other then that it was fun to read. I will be looking forward to read more.
Premane chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
Great story! I can't wait to read more of this. Interesting concept, good grammar and more. I hope you will continue.