Reviews for E N E M Y
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
This was perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Exhile87 chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
This was beautiful. I'll have to look the song up sometime and read this again with it playing in the background! You captured the beast in Hawkeye perfectly. I'm always a sucker for any sort of darkness inside a 'good' character and the cherry on the top is the inclusion of sniper!Riza. That's my favourite bit about her...

There are so many things that I love in this story, but I especially like the part where Hawkeye realises how differently her father could have treated her, and the part where she is drinking in her apartment and seeing 'cross-hairs at the bottom of each empty glass'. My favourite line has got to be "She gave death in the form of bullets, in a tragic method of giving life to the soldiers on her side of the war." This was perfection.

You write brilliantly and did a great job getting us into Hawkeye's head. Keep up the good work!
mebh chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
Sunny! This is absolutely fantastic!

I've read it three times now and I know I'll come back for more. It's so clean and powerful; sounds like a lot of time spent imagining, and crafting and re-working. It's really wonderful. Wow.
hoisum chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
AHHH. Yes. This fic is 5 thumbs up! u w u
Antigone Rex chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
What a wonderful surprise! And such a powerful story. Thank you so, so much.

I really like the way you portrayed Riza here. So often, we see her through the lens of a soldier: her life is one of duty and service. She follows Mustang in all things, and that, I think, leads us to believe she is nothing without him. But you see her for the person she is, and I love how you used it to explore how her role in the war as a sniper affected her.

And some great great lines! There were a few that really resonated with me (personally): "It's always with me... So let it remain with [me]. No reason for you to carry it, too." As well as: "She was only a few years older than Hawkeye herself, freshly recruited and given a rank that didn't quite fit only a few months back." You can probably guess why. I think we both relate to the dark aspects of Riza's personality; the fact that you created these scenes to elucidate it speaks to your (eerily) intuitive nature.

I'm floored by how strong your writing is in this piece. Nice and tight!

Thank you so much for writing this! I don't deserve such kindness!
ssadropout chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
This is so beautifully sad and, ultimately, just uplifting enough. Poor Riza will never be able to escape her past, but knowing that she has a place in the future means HOPE. One can go a long way on hope.