Reviews for Changed Fate
HeavenSpire12 chapter 4 . 7/17
I really enjoyed this, it has so much potential. I liked how it was really serious in the beginning but then you put a lot of humor in the training trip, that I liked a lot.
Dark Neko 4000 chapter 4 . 5/11
What will happen next time
PinkiePieParty122894 chapter 4 . 5/8
Can’t wait to read what happens next:)
damienfarrar10 chapter 1 . 4/20
Good story
GamerX568 chapter 4 . 3/8
The Henge is naturally solid, so of course it's solid enough to feel. The idea of the Henge being an illusion is Fanon.
Enforcer209 chapter 4 . 2/10
It’s a shame that this story ended up like your version of Sasuke dead as a door nail
animecutylover chapter 3 . 10/24/2019
Lmao. Poor Naru. He doesn't know what's coming.
animecutylover chapter 2 . 10/24/2019
Lol. Poor Jiraiya.
animecutylover chapter 1 . 10/24/2019
That was a major plot twist.
FireDragonDancer chapter 4 . 7/23/2019
I love this story plot! Too bad that there have not been any recent updates. Do you have any spare chapters that you have not published?
Story medic chapter 4 . 5/7/2019
917brat chapter 3 . 4/7/2019
this sounds very interesting and I would love to see how this plays out please keep it up and update it again soon.
TC chapter 1 . 4/5/2019
your story is shit
LoganTheLoneWolf chapter 4 . 3/22/2019
reyesrachel805 chapter 4 . 3/5/2019
Cuando actualizarias? O hasta aqui llega el fanfic?
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