Reviews for Before: The Big Four
NotCanadian chapter 1 . 3/31/2017
So it's like four years later... but even if you only updates the first chapter that'd be good. This is an amazing story so far, and it isn't even stated yet!
Pinkiemachine chapter 3 . 6/1/2016
A great read! Very funny! But, I did notice a few spelling and grammatical errors that you might want to look into fixing. But otherwise fantastic!
Pinkiemachine chapter 2 . 5/31/2016
Absolutely lovely!
Pinkiemachine chapter 1 . 5/31/2016
Wow, that was amazing! Usually I'm, unfortunately, very persnickety about stories like these, but... I LOVE IT! Very well done!
OneWhoCharms chapter 3 . 4/26/2016
I can't wait for your story
Story Critic Kat chapter 3 . 4/15/2016
You have a great story!
I can't wait for your next chapter in this series. I know that you said that you wanted to complete chapter 2 and 3 before releasing them but please reconsider and release chapter 1. Your readers would very much like to read your story. I guess what I'm trying to say is, please don't forget about this story. It has so much potential to just be abandoned. If you need any help, be that editing, coming up with ideas, new characters, etc. I can be of assistance.
Just please don't abandon the story!
Keep up the great work!
Usagi chapter 3 . 6/19/2015
Oh, my... you need to finish the first chapter soon because I'm literally dying to read it! So far, things are looking interesting and I'd really love to read more of this story soon.
Usagi chapter 2 . 6/19/2015
Dayum, Gothel has this all planned out.
Usagi chapter 1 . 6/19/2015
17Angelsrule41 chapter 3 . 9/25/2014
please continue
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
love your story and art! I have a suggestion(you don't have to listen to it) you could add Vannelope as a hogwarts student in Hufflepuff(younger than the main cast) who is bullied for her dylexsia and Jack acts like a big brother to her.
VortexArt chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
Type your review for this chapter here...
Guest chapter 3 . 3/25/2014
Oh my gods, your fanfic is fab I already love it and I've only read the prologues xD ALSO you're a really good artist :3 I can't wait for the first three chapters!
molotovmullet chapter 3 . 2/8/2014
I recently followed your blog on tumblr, and night I just say - this is one of the most brilliantly thought out fics ever!
I can't wait for you to write the fic out your art is brilliant by the way, and this prologue was great (: so excited for the story!
Great job
tukatarina chapter 3 . 11/3/2013
OMG yay! At first I was so confused as to where Hiccups story was but then I was like oh it's a two for one! Woohoo! Soo good! Post the story soon :D
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