Reviews for Harry Potter and The purple eyes of Death
One-Whooo-Loves chapter 3 . 8/20/2019
Love this story! I vote Avengers
Guest chapter 5 . 3/10/2019
I like the idea that Duo has problems in Potions because he has such a strong affinity for Explosions. *snickers* Something he'll need to work on controlling, but perhaps not in a fully-occupied classroom? Too many potential casualties. It's nice to see a sensible Snape, making an alternate arrangement to work around a solid Problem of a student instead of just failing them and shouting a lot.

If this is post-Mariemaia, does that mean the Pilots aren't fugitives from the law? They could still be in danger from surviving factions of Unhappy Vengeful people even without risk of getting arrested. Mostly I'm wondering because sometimes the idea of a Trial comes up in GW fics, and Duo's tininess could be a problem there. It's one thing to deal with explaining to the other pilots in private why he's now a lot smaller than expected - he will find ways to justify it to the Wizarding Laws' satisfaction even if he has to adopt them into the Potter family to get away with it. Explaining it to Une and Relena and Zechs, even, might be managed if we figure they can factor the whole "top official of most muggle governments know" angle in to cover the Boss of the Preventers, and literal -if foreign- royalty. But an entire Tribunal? Waayyy too many people who aren't in the know about the Wizards. Which means either keeping Duo away and trying him absentia even if the others are present, faking his death to the authorities, or letting the "public" end up thinking a nine year old was on the front lines of a war and subsequently hunted after it. (If he's eleven postwar for the letter, and his birthday is summer while the war ended around Christmas/New Year's, he was at most nine on the day Operation Meteor launched the GUNDAMs to Earth. Depending how far post-war this is, he may have been eight that day.)
I've been imagining the way that would end up going if they do have to deal with a Trial, post Duo-shrinking. Duo certainly wouldn't let the others get executed while he's so well-hidden. Assuming they choose to show up peacefully, under Une's supervision... The other Pilots would end up noticeably protective in body language, especially if they've had time to get used to a chibi-Duo who cuddles and climbs on them. Duo might not even be restrained/cuffed like the others might, because Une knows how easily he could escape as an adult and doesn't have child-sized versions of the only restraints with a chance of holding any of the pilots for long and would say as much. Point out that they are there voluntarily, and he won't leave his brothers-in-arms, restraints or no.
(The others may not be in actual Pilot-worthy restraints either, since they are playing nice and Une doesn't want them to get executed so leaving normal cuffs they can easily slip out of makes the visible-but-token effort. That would also make it easier for them to move enough to accomodate a climbing, restless, clingy chibi-Duo. I see him being "clingy", because even if they agree to abide the Trial's verdict and potential sentencing, he would be worried about his friends and if he can't cling and cuddle as a tiny-brat what good is being so small? Take advantage! Half his weight is probably his arsenal, if he isn't using magic sneaking to store it weightlessly. They can all carry that easily enough uninjured. XD )
When someone starts throwing a fit about the presence of a child, they can throw one right back. Calmly, of course. It's completely true that there was a prepubescent child piloting a GUNDAM for the duration of the war. He just wasn't known to be such, even to himself, which is the part no one mentions. These boys are both War Orphans, and War Veterans. They deserve to be respected as such, as people who chose to fight and suffer the consequences so others wouldn't have to. That argument is strong with the canon pilots, and all the PTSD and such they probably have. Add one of them being visibly so much younger? Pressing the horror of "how badly did we fail, that teenagers felt they had to take up the cause of fixing things?" works really well, having a mini-Duo counted among them will have the authorities flailing.
It's one thing to execute teenagers for War Crimes, as Terrorists, as Dangerous. Executing a child? No matter the reasoning, there will never be less than a horrified outcry. Executing four out of five pilots, and leaving one "unpunished" because of his age? Seriously puts into question if the other four are actually justifiable sentences. What would they even do with a kid that apparently young with that level of charges? Shove him in a cell for seven years until he's an adult and then execute him? Put him in Juvie? A foster home? Military school? All of the options are going to be Problems. Not even factoring in how easily he'd escape most of them if he wanted to, or the fact that if they executed his friends and tried to tuck him away he might feel the need to cause some literal explosions in retaliation (no matter how careful he might still be about collateral damage).
A tiny chibi-Duo would put a lot more weight on their defense - they fought in an effort to ensure there would be No More War Orphans. No More Child Soldiers. Some vengeance and such flavored the motivation of each of them, but that was their biggest claim/core motivation. Each and every one of those boys were both in some way, and emphasizing that, plus having their youngest brother-in-arms at least a foot shorter than the next-shortest of them like Duo is now? The blatantly protective edge to their body language as they stay grouped up? Really brings it home in a way even the most vengefully angry and stubborn of the potential officials involved can't deny.

(I first read this story ages ago, and still think of it every so often. I love the premise, the idea of it. I think most of what's in my head were extrapolations of what else could happen, seeing how few chapters there actually are when I was rereading it today. It's really fun, though, and I haven't seen any other attempt at the idea. At most, a pilot might be claimed to have turned fourteen during the war, not i/barely double digits/i!)
Guest chapter 3 . 3/10/2019
I can commiserate on lacking ways to review a favorite series, especially when you want to write something! I have a few of the discs for GW I found by luck in the "used" section of the FYE that used to be in our mall, but never found the rest. I don't have Netflix or hulu or anything to help with that problem either. That said, GUNDAM Wing is literally the first and so far only series I liked enough that I actually invested in the complete series boxed set - two bigger than standard DVD boxes, six? discs in each. I still don't have EW, though. I kept the few separate ones I'd found anyway, the big boxes don't have all the art! I wish I could remember the website my best friend used to show me the whole series years ago, they had subs of most eps and a few only dubbed, and all of them in variable quality copies/streaming.

Considering "Duo Maxwell Doesn't Lie" is a thing, I'm always surprised how rarely the question of his wardrobe choices for most of the series comes up. It's an odd thing to wear by choice if you don't have the connotations in mind, a priest's collar. (The pants, though, are totally a "hide/carry ALL the things" logic.)
Guest chapter 2 . 3/10/2019
If anyone can beat Veritaserum, it's someone like Duo who is so very well practiced in deception without lying. It takes some impressive mental and verbal gymnastics to manage the level of misdirection and manipulation he is capable of without telling a single lie, and that is exactly the skillset needed to outmaneuver a truth serum. Telling the truth doesn't mean telling the whole truth, or that the truthful words won't be misunderstood by the listeners, after all. XD
Heck, I could see any of the pilots defaulting to speaking in another language or in code to dodge the scare of such an effective truth serum, though Duo would have the easiest time of it. Can you imagine Heero answering in binary, or Trowa in animalistic "speech"? It makes you tell the truth, not obey orders, so it's not like there's a way to force the drinker to speak in English and only English if they're multilingual. I also rather doubt any standard "translation" spells could function effectively with a sufficiently coded language, especially one made up of multiple languages or dependent partially on physical signal language inclusions.

I love the thread of "I'm not asexual, I'm pre-pubescent!" I can imagine a chibi-Duo chirping that cheerfully at his friends/fellow pilots, possibly while hanging off one of their necks like a clingy monkey. There's no way he won't take advantage of being so much smaller while it lasts, both by utilizing sneaking opportunities an older-Duo won't fit through, and by using the other pilots as jungle gyms/furniture. Spend a summer at the circus with Trowa and Cathy and he'll be joining the trapeze artists by the end of summer and helping Trowa give the teachers spectacular heart attacks using the Castle's structures for even more ridiculous stunts. (Not that he can't already do crazy stunts, but he isn't an acrobat and learning the tricks with showman's flair... *cackles* Duo will get even more ridiculous when he feels like "flying"!)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10/2019
I've seen many a fic, many a theory, and yet this remains the only time I've ever seen it pointed out like that. The difference between a Japanese "knight" and a European one, particularly in regards to how they interact with princesses. I could quibble over specific case variables, or I could act on the assumption that most of Relena's knowledge of such subjects comes from fairytales and stories, not actual history studies, and jump on the wonderfully useful distinction! I favor the latter, naturally. It's fine for a teenager to have a crush, as long as she realizes it's quite probably going to stay unrequited and accepts that when pointed at this kind of applicable logic. :)
Kittens Kat chapter 5 . 7/2/2018
Why I, Harry Potter, am not allowed to be in Potion's Class when we brew the Pepperup Potion is because apparently I add too much pep to it and it explodes taking out my table along with the ceiling directly above and the floor directly below like a miniature volcano. Luckily no one was sitting at the table in the class above me. Although, Professor Quirrell did have to have his leg hairs and eyebrows regrown. I wonder will happen if I try to brew the Hiccoughing Potion?

I love this story! Thank you for all of your hard work! More Please!
Philosophical quetzalcoatl chapter 5 . 1/7/2018
why am I not allowed in the potions classroom while the pepper up potion is being made... because snape seems to think that I will turn any potion that has even the most minor possibilities of blowing up into a bomb. Which is ridiculous considering all you need to make a minor non lethal bomb is fire, flour, paper and tinfoil, so what would be the point of me wasting the money?
Ireland Scott of BROH chapter 5 . 9/29/2017
EnderSorceress chapter 5 . 3/8/2017
Please update soon :)
Laesk chapter 5 . 1/3/2017
brillient. not sure about Harry being a murderer at age four. cause he got the meds to the gang and those that took it were taken to the church soon after. however Solo died before he could even take the medciline or very shortly after Duo got to him... not sure how that works.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/25/2016
Cool. I like the idea of Duo being an actual priest. I never thought of it before.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/17/2016
Actually...Duo Maxwell does not wear an actual priest collar. Instead he had a uniform given to him during his time at maxwell orphanage with a white undershirt and a priest like cut collar. If you look at screen shots you'll notice it does not cover the white but settles like a jacket on it. Also his time spent at the orphanage was to short to be certified as a priest and he has always said that 'he doesn't believe in God."

He still wears the cross and the uniform in rememberance to those he lost, not due to religious reasons.

Still love the story though, keep it up!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/5/2016
Sticking with Hermione for now works well and gives consistency, but mixing it up if you have inspiration would be good too. For now, until someone else becomes a bigger part of a given chapter, there isn't much option to let someone else do it.
The teachers have yet to have a reason to write to anyone outside the school about any of it,
Ron seemed very much the type to write letters to his parents about thrice a year unless something came up such as asking them to invite his new friend to spend the winter holiday break at their house,
and Duo's only reasons to write anyone outside the school so far have no reason to recognize Owl Post, and could easily be not-on-earth at any given moment, so trying to send them an Owl instead of an email could potentially be a really terrible idea, even outside of possibly blowing their covers if they're hiding.

So who would be writing to whom?

If someone tries to arrange to put the Dursley's in contact with Duo, then a letter exchange could be interesting. If he said outright that he doesn't lie but will refuse to tell about certain things then anything they ask about that he doesn't want to go into in a letter (or at all) he can just say so and they'll move on for the moment. I'm honestly not sure what they'd talk about, but with an apparently Decent Dursley Family there has to be /something/ general and normal to communicate. Not sure how much he'd tell them about the insanity that is Hogwarts, though, without them asking about it excitedly in person.

If another student spends more time in-chapter interacting with our protagonist, then maybe they'll have something interesting to write home about. Maybe another muggle-raised student will notice clues like the ones driving Hermione slightly crazy and ask about something they remember seeing in the news, though not very many people have spent much if any time dealing with Duo as Duo, rather than as Harry, so she has a pretty big clue most of the rest don't. Or maybe any student will be writing home, expounding on the "fantastical" claims of what muggles have achieved without magic and asking questions.

"Why I (Harry Potter) am not allowed to be in the classroom when (insert potion here) is brewed"?
I love the idea- Duo has a hell of a talent for big booms, so why wouldn't that translate over to a talent for making unstable potential booms go off in Hogwarts? It's a bit like how Seamus is forever either trying to turn various liquids into other liquids or otherwise causing flames and minor explosions by accident out of literally anything no matter how not-at-all-flammable they are supposed to be. Only Duo is very good at very big booms, hence extra caution in a classroom setting.
It's a talent that would need to be carefully monitored and studied, so he can learn to control it, if possible, at the least. On the other hand, Duo being good at big booms might also be the result/cause of /liking/ big booms to the point where he can't help experimenting when something new crosses his sight. A bit like kleptomania, except with explosions instead of unintentional theft. XD
Given the issue with the Draught of Living Death, there's probably at least a few other potions they'd be learning about at /some/ point that would be similarly problematic for him psychologically, if not to the same drastic degree. Hell, we know so little about what exactly is /in/ a lot of potions, that there might easily be some (legal) ingredients that could be a problem at some point, outside of the potentially-explosive ones.

Maybe by second year they can arrange for a very heavily reinforced alternate lab wherein Duo can concoct and experiment without endangering other students? He certainly won't give up on chances for magical explosives just because they're new enough (to him) to be messy, so having a precaution-heavy setup to press him into using for his and everyone's safety, as well as frequent chances to pepper people like Severus with questions to further his comprehension and understanding instead of pure experimentation, would probably be the best solution.

Hm... Lines for the papers? "Because no one is willing to deal with what may result from you having access to even a vial of Bomb Balm, Mr. Potter."
(Duo would definitely be pragmatic enough to keep the rest of the cauldronful of anything useful if he's getting a good enough grade to risk using it. Also, to wait for a grade on anything meant to be ingested before using it, lest he find out that it /looks/ right but has a dangerous flaw.
Healing potions, however minor, are excellent to have handy always, and knowing Duo, things that cause color-changes or bubbles or explosions etc. would all be interesting enough to hang on to for a bit rather than throwing out the bulk of what he spent all class making.)
Guest chapter 2 . 4/5/2016
You know, that's an excellent and interesting question. The easiest answer is that Duo hopped up on Veritaserum would be almost entirely indistinguishable from normal, albeit extra chatty, Duo Maxwell. If he's aware of it, especially, as knowing would simply make him more aware that someone may ask him something he definitely doesn't want to answer with the whole truth as he knows it, and so he'd be prepared to spin things and talk around the details he doesn't want to share. He Doesn't Lie, but managed to be a brilliant freedom fighter/terrorist/modern ninja by being very, very good at obfuscation and partial-truths and misleading implications. Technically, he isn't lying, but he's not at all bothered if you end up believing something completely different from what you may have wanted to know.
mattdombast chapter 5 . 2/28/2016
Crazy I just hope none of the kids took it
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