Reviews for The New Universe
guest chapter 4 . 2/13/2017
Kill yourself, virgin.
FairyShippuden16 chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
Hey ;)) I love this story and I really love SasuIno :"D PLS! UPDATE :D
naku12 chapter 4 . 11/2/2013
love the story! can u update?
Samantta Hyuuga chapter 4 . 6/16/2013
Hey, i am a big fan your. I read this story there many week ago, but i forget to add in the favorite. This is so wonderfull! Please, post the next chapter soon. -Kisses
Midina chapter 4 . 6/14/2013
This is my expression after reading this...: Da faq?
Lost-for-life chapter 4 . 6/12/2013
good chapter as always
Akatsuki Ino chapter 3 . 6/2/2013
Please continue this story, I really want to know what happens.

PLease, Please, Please continue this story! :) :) :)

Lady Serenity-Lexi chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
I love this chapter I like what you are doing with this story many others have versions of this story but I really like yours!
Great Job!
Lost-for-life chapter 3 . 5/20/2013
update soon!
deathrosekitty chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
I love this story, but there are a couple of errors here or there that makes me want to fix it. Either way I like how Ino scoffs at Sasuke's attempts to romance her.
ShikaInoInuKikIchiHime36 chapter 2 . 5/9/2013
Duesal Bladesinger chapter 2 . 5/8/2013
Why would you make Ino a cold-blooded murderer? Yeah, the creep did kinda deserve it, but you didn't show any of Ino's remorse for a pointless death...

There is a difference between duty-killing and murder, especially for shinobi.

But anyway, I loved how Ino showed the AU Hinata up! The Hyuuga really needs to be taken down a peg!

With Sasuke, this is a very delicate subject. Will he show a hint of the shinobi talents that his counterpart did, or is he just lazy in that area? Yes, he's attracted to Ino, but is that attraction mutual or does Ino only go for handsome and STRONG ninja?

Awesome story so far, but please revise your grammar in some areas and think about my questions, and hopefully answer them for me?
Samantta Hyuuga chapter 2 . 5/8/2013
Heyy! I love your idea. I will read your story until the end. Update soon, please!-Kisses
karupin13 chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
Sasuke's really a perve huh XD
this is a good story; much better than my story regarding 'road to ninja' . update soon :)

Merikatdreams chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
Update soon, this is interesting x)
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