Reviews for The Words I Meant To Say
Guest chapter 21 . 7/7/2015
This is very well done. I cried almost every chapter but good crying. I saw an interview with Kat recently asking where they think the charactes of smash would be right now...she said Karen would be s mess and if it was to go back she would like to see Karen in a Dark place. I think you achieved that. Well done would love to get another fan fic from you with where are they now like a season 3 of smash
Guest chapter 21 . 2/5/2015
I really loved this story and not just because it gave us cartwills fans the couple we always wanted. What I love most about all of your stories is that Karen gets a voice and a point of view. Karen goes from being a talented, ambitious, no nonsense yet warm hearted young woman in season 1 to an indecisive, immature, lust crazed teenage brat in season 2. I feel like her character was sacrificed for Jimmy and the Kimmy pairing. No other storyline would require Karen to be written so childish. Karen being single, being with Derek, staying at bombshell and finding a way to work with Tom, rebuilding a friendship with Ivy, or being friends with Ana, Kyle, Bobby, etc would require her to be written so poorly. I think Jimmy was very emotionally immature and obnoxious and Karen had to sort of be regressed to fit better with him. It's almost as if Karen was moved into a teenage environment except Karen was not a teenager. I fail to see how the writers could write such great material for Ivy then turn around and write garbage for Karen. I love both ladies and I loved seeing Ivy's journey and wished Karen could have gotten some good material too, All of her stuff feels plot driven and she's like a reactionary character in her own story. It was crazy to me that Karen just gives up Marilyn without even attempting it on broadway. I could live with her not getting the job or even failing at it but not straight up giving it up without trying. Then with cartwills Karen is not only not allowed to discuss her feelings for Derek with him but also to herself. Even if she decided she didn't feel anything for him, it would have been nice to see her be single and be able to sort that out within herself, admit it to herself, then have an adult conversation with Derek. I just think these writers weren't interested in Karen or cartwills. Karen isn't allowed Marilyn, Derek, any character driven material, any character depth or maturity, not allowed to even retain the maturity she had in season 1, no Tony, no baby storyline, or anything that is about Karen and her individual character and her growth. And the fact that cartwills aren't allowed to even be a couple at any point at anytime in the entire show is crazy. So thank you for all of your hard work and for keeping the cartwills love and Karen love alive.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/12/2014
I've stayed awake to finished reading all of this story! Karen and Dereck will always belong together in my eyes too! Loved your work, it had drama and passion and captured the characters from Smash brilliantly. This is the ending I wanted for the best couple never to happen on tv! Thanks for writing. Xx ell
Ceila79 chapter 21 . 9/30/2013
Excellent finale! I had goose bumps! :D
Ceila79 chapter 8 . 9/19/2013
"Jimmy, I have to go. I'm already going to be late for rehearsal." - OMFG! O.O
Ceila79 chapter 6 . 9/19/2013
The Notebook? OMG! :)
Ceila79 chapter 1 . 9/19/2013
hi! At last I found your other FanFic! Start reading it right now! :)
alexceasar chapter 21 . 6/13/2013
It was just wonderful. You had me really scared there for a minute. Good job.
Smashtastic chapter 21 . 6/3/2013
Thank you everyone for all your reviews, they mean a lot. This was my first fanfic story - it's fun! I've thought of an idea for a sequel to this story, so hopefully will post smtg soon! :)
JumpingOverTheMoon chapter 21 . 6/3/2013
phenomenal story. This is really such a great end. I cried during this story twice. So bravo love! I read this all today and oh my jusr great. great usage of characters and plot. Please write a sequel!
treecyp chapter 21 . 6/2/2013
Great chapter to finish off a great story. Hope you write more!
Kelly chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
I want more
A chapter 21 . 6/1/2013
Would love to see more with the new production, being welcomed back to broadway, the struggles.
If this is really the end, Thank you.
taibhse-an-laoch chapter 21 . 6/1/2013
wow.. amazing ending! well done! love all these almost fairytale endings - kinda makes up for the crappy ending we got on tv! hope u write some more on our favorite tv couple! well done :)
madd09 chapter 21 . 6/1/2013
Love the ending
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