Reviews for Ultimate Dream League (Cancelled to be Rebooted)
MagicEmperor chapter 10 . 12/3/2016
Thanks, everyone who has read. I hope I entertained. Be well! I'll give the reboot my all.
One Lucky Unicorn chapter 9 . 6/20/2016
This chapter isn't showing up for me. All I see is a lot of html code. :(
LittleWonders23 chapter 9 . 11/2/2015
This was a really cool chapter! Cold Shadow is a pretty interesting character and I hope we get to see more of him.
LittleWonders23 chapter 8 . 8/3/2014
This was really interesting! Ariel's powers are awesome :-) Please keep writing!
LittleWonders23 chapter 7 . 4/19/2014
I LOVED the part with Bert! And Ariel is very funny! Please keep writing (-:
MaliceArchangela chapter 7 . 4/18/2014
Hullo, hun, sorry that it took me so long to review!

It's wonderful to see you back, though I'm sorry about your Aunt!

You HAD to stop it right before the audition, didn't you? *pouting* I wanna see!

Excellent job as usual, I really love seeing your take on these iconic characters, and how you keep their personalities true to themselves while still allowing them room to grow and move about your fantasyworld!
FrustratedAsexualCatLover chapter 6 . 3/10/2014
Please update soon!
I just love this story!
MaliceArchangela chapter 6 . 1/8/2014
Marvelous chapter, as always, darling!

I enjoyed the interactions between Ariel and Herc, and the lovely resolution of the argument.

Ooh, background tension is increasing! And Prince John has a fake diamond? Ooh...
LittleWonders23 chapter 6 . 1/1/2014
This was great! I loved Alice's interaction with Weird Girl and Herc's reaction to Ariel was funny and realistic! Please keep writing.
Oldiesfan019 chapter 4 . 9/5/2013
Wow, I loved the fight scene between Megavolt and Wonderboy (Hercules) and Dreamchild (Alice). Tell me, if it's WAY too late, do you by any chance know Pith Possum and Obediah from "Shnookums and Meat"?
LittleWonders23 chapter 5 . 7/21/2013
I totally agree with you about Lampwick.
MaliceArchangela chapter 5 . 6/30/2013
Hey, sorry for the late review! You updated during work!

LOVE THIS CHAPTER! I especially love Ariel's real reveal. I like how you made her look more like the conventional, traditional mermaid rather than as humanoid as she appears in the movies. I also enjoyed Hercules's reaction to the news. So...I assume that since she started changing before running down to the water, that her transformation is NOT water-based?

Lovely chapter, once again.
MaliceArchangela chapter 4 . 5/21/2013
Would've reviewed sooner if I could!

Too awesome for words! I love the team-up of Dreamchild and Wonderboy! It just works wonderfully! And Bert! YAY! I've never seen him involved in anything on fanfiction, and it just warms the cockles of my heart to see him here!

And the paperwork! Guess even superhero-work isn't immune to the devastating boredom that is paperwork!

I know I've said this before, and you'll probably get tired of me saying this before you finish, but I just love how you mingle the characters together from the different Disney movies. And you do it such a natural way, that there are moments where I have to admit that I almost forget that they AREN'T in the same movie (or even in the same time period).

You're going to Disneyland? LUCKY! It looks really cool! Hope you have loads of fun!

LittleWonders23 chapter 4 . 5/21/2013
Ariel is Hercules cousin? Coool! Please keep writing!
Flyin Kiwi chapter 4 . 5/21/2013
Good job once again :)

Weeeeeeee! Knew it was Ariel. _ That said a lot of the ducks are confusing me, just because I'm guessing they're all from those afternoon shows that we never got in this silly country. The figure with the staff... I would like it to be Maleficent, just cause she's awesome and right now I can't think of anyone else with a staff right now.

Anyway. Enjoy your trip! D Don't miss World of Color, its also awesome.
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