Reviews for Mitsuketa
UpdatePleaser chapter 20 . 1/9
Ayame is a f_king idiot. She "let" buddy mess you her cash flow (job) and probably her credit. She literally uprooted herself from friends, her job, bills and apartment. For a man that DONT WANT HER, yet wants to "see" she doesn't resent him by keeping her in his life. (This is why some people stay "friends" with their ex's.) She'll be miserable, and I don't need a part two to read about it. I'm out.
UpdatePleaser chapter 19 . 1/9
Imagine that...a woman made that a man moves on with another woman after five years. Yeah..

Tsu has odd ideas about Sacchans sex life to be an ex whore.

Gin is an untrustworthy, callous asshole for how he manuvored things with Ayame.

Ayame was an idiot to even help/enact with Gin after she found out "why" he was sticking around her. Woman is a glutton for ...
UpdatePleaser chapter 1 . 1/9 does seem interesting!
Update Craver chapter 18 . 11/10/2018
Ummm...Gintoki has probably been seen (at least by me) as a character to be unsympathetic too since like...chapter 2. Dude has been unlikeable for the majority of the tale. If you made a Bansai/Sachan one shot I wouldn't be mad at cha. Sachan deserves some man in a tale to love her with as much fervour as she loves him. Cause bay...beh she never gets it from Gin, just anger and rough sex.
Soul93 chapter 21 . 10/1/2018
I was all kinds of stumped with the ending ‘til I realized it has a sequel. I would have preferred if Sacchan had a bit more of a backbone and wasn’t so hopeless all the time. However, I do love this pairing and did enjoy reading majority of it. You did a wonderful job.
Wow chapter 4 . 6/30/2017
Well this is depressing...should have been drama/angst. This will not end well.
Marzia chapter 9 . 5/1/2016
I don't end up leaving much reviews, cause I am generally floored at the end of chapters. But I just wanted to say I love this story. This is my 3rd time reading it. I don't know if you will update it sometime soon or not but it still brings me a lot of happiness. I really ship Sachan and Gin a lot. Also, I tried to go on your tumblr, but it requires a password before letting me through ?
furufuru-chan chapter 21 . 1/8/2016
This was so fun to read. You have managed to keep Sacchan in character even though she didn't turn out well in the story because she was...of course, a masochist and ended up being used instead. I am glad also that you didn't make Tsukuyo a mean girl in the story. Most stories turn out that way.

I have to agree with you on some terms. Like, Tsukuyo being too perfect. I thought she and Gintoki were really made for each other but I easily lost interest on their pairing. Perhaps there's no spark anymore to make because they're already that way. And also, Sorachi is biased as well on that pairing and I think in the anime and manga Sacchan needs some character development instead.

But, after all, I commend you a job well done. You've stopped for 2 years and came back huh? I read the 'Lonely Mind' or whatever, and seems like you stopped it again. Please don't stop. We need GinSachi writers. I am planning to write as well but for now, I couldn't write because of my lack of laptop.

Keep up the good work! :)
Guest chapter 21 . 9/18/2015
Fuck you and fuck youi already hated gintsu but u made me HATE it more until I despise this ship,heck u even made the ending gintsu,I will ALWAYS and FOREVER hate gintsu
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
Please make it sachan and gintoki fic
I like this pair
Because gintoki is s lol
Laudi14 chapter 21 . 4/14/2015
OMg that's the end? Whaaaat? what happened to the other story? I know it's been a while but it was good I really like it,Sacchan got me a little mad a few times haha but it was good though
mehr03 chapter 21 . 10/8/2014
lovely fic..I really write how you portrayed the characters and the plot. Please rite the sequel soon...thanks and good luck
Coolnessfighter chapter 10 . 9/7/2014
hey! i'm a real big fan of this story and i was wondering if you could give me the link to the non abridged version of this. thanks
ahsoei chapter 21 . 5/6/2014
Hmm….. I just can't help but not satisfied with this ending. I'm not sure why, but I think you can't just end it like this…. Sa-chan's problems have not been solved yet. And more importantly, I also think that all this love triangle stuff hasn't been solved either.
ahsoei chapter 19 . 5/6/2014
It's kinda surprised me for Tsukuyo being jealous like that… If only she more assertive in the anime….. :3
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