Reviews for A Pheromone Kill
TheSaraBeara chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
This one was different but good different. I think Thane in his battle sleep would behave this way, his is still a man and an assassin at the same time. He would have been trained to us his body as a weapon in every way. I loved this quote "It always was, with human women. They all loved him." Don't we just? Don't we still?... At least I always will.
stacey218 chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
Wow. Seriously wow. I love fic which showcases this darker side Thane and they are few and far in between. People seem to forget underneath the polite, monk like exterior Thane is a very, very dangerous man. I hope you still have ideas for renegade Thane because I would most definitely like to read more!
The Scarlet Venus chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Now THIS is a Thane I can get behind. Or not. I suppose he could kill me just as easy either way. Either way, your Thane is badass and I love him like that. Good work!
mythlover20 chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Damn, Barb. When you said Renegade Thane, you really *meant* Renegade Thane.

I honestly wouldn't mind going like this. If I have to die at the hands of an assassin, I would like this death. At least it would be enjoyable.
Author-Of-Sin chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
Very nice, Barb! This is definitely ren!Thane. Loved it, and for once the clinical terms weren't nearly as pervasive, making it much easier for me to swallow! :P
Mirari.Divinus chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
Wow! Lmao I can actually see Thane acting like that. And not the weepy mourning guy.