Reviews for Divine Intervention
devil556 chapter 23 . 6/19
best story i've read in 5 months wish it was completed already.
BiscuitCultist chapter 8 . 5/29
There is no conflict. They're way too powerful and unbeatable. I'm all for Super! Harry but it has to be balanced not broken mary sue style like this. A friend recommended this story but I can't read anymore.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 23 . 4/19
An amazing story here so far! I look forward to reading more!
hunzbookwyrm chapter 23 . 4/2
Great story,hope to see more from you soon.
LadyQuinzel chapter 2 . 3/10
The first few paragraphs showed promise. But then you basically made them Gods, immortal, permanent mind and body shield, animagi, the works.

There is absolutely no more challenge left.
That's where the story ended for me. I don't dig Mary Sue vibes.
waya715 chapter 23 . 1/20
great story! please continue on with it as it is one of the best tales I have found anywhere. thank you for the time and effort you've put into this novella and thanks for making it enjoyable for all of us.
timberwolfst chapter 23 . 1/13
First let me say I love the concept of integrating star wars and star Trek technology, and adding magic just makes it better (though I usually prefer to envision taking superior Trek tech to the vastly more open and fun star wars universe).

I do have one pretty big gripe, one minor gripe/annoyance, and one nit pick.

First, I understand wanting to make Hermione his equal due to the soul bond. Unfortunately, to me, you took it too far the other way and made her MORE equal. It read more as a Hermione Potter story with Harry as a side character. Almost every action scene, and big dialogue seen it was Hermione front and center, with Harry somewhere nearby. Every interaction with the British government, they contacted her, and practically ignored him.

The best way to fix that, leads onto my lesser gripe. Harry is NOT a Consular. They are diplomats and negotiators which I agree fits Hermione to a T. Harry is a warrior which would make him a Guardian. To be even MORE accurate he would be a Sentinel, since their traditional role was Dark Jedi/Sith hunters. They were the ones who stood between the common beings and the Darkness. Either of those roles would fit Harry much better. Then you could split things up so negotiation/dialogue rules would go to Hermione, and when the action starts it's Harry that flies into battle. Equal, but different roles.

The nit pick is you reversed the lightsaber colors. Consulars were blue (like Obi-wan) and Guardians were green (Qui-gon). I also think they would qualify for a non traditional color (like Mace Windu).

All in all, an enjoyable story. I hope you continue it, even if the Voldemort part could have been tied up already. Send Quirrelmort to the Creator for judgment, and while he's gone do the ritual on the Diadem to pull all the other parts together (which are already destroyed) and send the pieces on to be judged with the original piece. The repentant Quirrel would then be sent back whole. Done and dusted, Death Eaters all die, start rebuilding.
Bronze chapter 3 . 12/27/2019
All they can truly do is hope. It's entirely up to Draco whether or not he changes his ways. If he doesn't he'll join at least his dear ol' dad in HELL. I do remember that his mother didn't take the mark though. So he'll have one parent to continue raising him. One that doesn't buy into all that Pure-Bood crap. Unfortunately, there are already many in Hogwarts that've already taken the mark and are lost.
Bronze chapter 2 . 12/27/2019
One advantage of returning to Hogwarts is they can deal with the Horcrux in the R of R early. And seeing as they can phase instead of Apparating the wards around the school won't affect them. That means side trips to destroy the other Horcruxes as well. I'm not sure if it'd be good or bad for the Potters to meet Ronald Weasley on the Hogwarts Express. On the one hand, if they don't become friends with him he can betray them later. On the other, they won't be able to make slight changes to his personality over time. Same goes for Ginny. Their mother though is a hopeless cause. She decided long ago that whatever she wants she should get. Thus the use of Love and Lust Potions on both her oldest sons and their girlfriends at the time.
Bronze chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
Rereading this as I enjoyed it so much. While I'm very happy H/Hr finally got together I sad that Fumblemort allowed Riddle to get to this stage. He should never have been allowed to get as far as learning about Horcruxes. When he proved to be so dark he should've been killed to prevent his doing something this stupid.
Khatix chapter 2 . 12/21/2019
I never understood why people always go they must wait to have sex till they are 17 and/or married again even thou Harry/whoever been maried for years and having sex for years before going back in time. It would be different if one was in their original body and other wasn't like 20 Harry and 11 Hermione but in fics like this where they are the same age both mental and physical with all their past memories is moronic to wait so long for them to make love again as long as everything works they shouldn't have to wait past 12/13. Only read one time travel fic where they jump each other and have sex in like 2 days being back and that was being sent back to 3rd year and it wasn't some porn fic.
phoenyx33 chapter 23 . 10/14/2019
I love both versions of this story! Are you going to continue this version anytime soon?
Bronze chapter 7 . 8/23/2019
Well, that went as expected. Lucius won't be returning to Earth for an extremely long time if ever. Satan's gonna want to play with him for a while. Anyways, with Lucius out of Narcissa and Draco's lives things should improve for them. Now Hawke and Kendra said Draco shouldn't marry anyone closely related to the Malfoys and that got me wondering whether or not Draco marrying a muggleborn would help his children even more. True, the Dark families would be angry at both him and his mother but it could strengthen his bloodline and help his children be stronger. Though there's still the question of where muggle-borns get their magic. It's entirely possible that they are descended from squibs kicked out of pureblood families in the past. That would explain them. It could simply be a case of magic returning to the family line. One or both parents being descended form squibs. Or just high-end squibs who's child or children now have magic.
Bronze chapter 6 . 8/23/2019
I like the idea of new brooms for the school. Almost all fanfics says how worn out the school brooms are but very seldom is anything done about it. Fumblemort should've at the very least examined the brooms to see if she was trying to pull a fast one but instead just ignored her. Though in most fanfics he never ignores Snape's request for funding for anything he wants. Then there's the Defense class. The professor usually only lasts one year. If they're there for longer something bad happens to them. Why has Fumblemort never hired a Curse Breaker team to find the problem and remove it? Them he could hire a truly competent professor for the position. Next is Binns. History taught by a ghost who only teaches about Goblin Wars and rebellions. That CAN'T be the only thing to ever happen in the history of the magical! Normally I'd add Professor Snape to that list but in this, he's making an effort to change bis ways. So if he continues to work with both Harry and Hermione and truly teach his classes, he gets a pass.
Bronze chapter 5 . 8/23/2019
I'll take your word for it on the lectern. And I fully acknowledge that the magical world of at least England is several hundred years behind the muggle world. The old saying fully applies to the English magical world. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unfortunately, the English magical IS broke and none of the Purebloods know it nor want it fixed. I already know that the rape gang isn't gonna stop just because they're being watched in their dorm rooms. Their kind were raised to believe that they could do whatever they wanted by one or both parents. It's highly likely one or both their parents were in Hogwarts with Riddle when he started this sick tradition so it was passed on to them.
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