Reviews for On Sympathy Lacking Understanding
hervissa chapter 1 . 1/13/2014
A very interesting insight into Voldy's mind.
It's kinda strange that not many people actually /think/ about how Tommy felt when he was a little boy.
I mean, a lot of people will explain why he does things he does, but they won't get to the actual feelings - probably because he hates to show anything like it, and it's easy to forget he even /can/ feel anything.

But in my opinion, Trixie understands him more than he thinks. He can keep secrets from her, but even without saying anything, she knows.
She's a smart girl, after all ;)

A very, very good fic :)

Keep writing!

hervissa :)
Terra chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
I might be the only person who loves a sympathetic Voldy...I honestly liked his character and felt bad for him. This was great. I never liked Bella/Voldy, but she is the only person I can see in this position. Even JK confirmed that Bella loved Voldy, and I can certainly see him using her if he actually did have sexual desires, which I have always felt that he really did not. Still, this was sad. I love angsty Voldy.
alverixorcustransfrogamorphus chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
This was a brilliant insight into Voldemorts mind. It shows us that while he appears to everyone else to be devoid of every emotion except hate, he does feel things for his past and for Bellatrix, even if it is irritation and disgust. All of these emotions make him human and he is human, a lot of people forget that. I especially liked the part where he describes women wanting to be healers no matter what, because it's absolutely true. Every girl wants someone to come to them with their problems so that they can help. I really enjoyed this Gamma! Well done.

Nayla xx