Reviews for Accepting
great gospel chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
This was sweet. I love how Cloud isn't pitying or awkward but simply accepting, as the title states. Nicely done.
AmeHimeTori chapter 1 . 4/6/2014
:/ awwwww! Poor Den! I love the idea of this story! :)
harusameiro chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
That's just so sweet. I like having the Denzel POV, since it makes Cloud feel like a mysterious force of nature, with that air of untouchable-ness that adults have (does that even make sense? I dunno, when I was a kid, adults seemed to occupy a different realm of being, and their infinite knowledge made them all respectable to me...that's the feeling I get).
I like the small touches of detail, like Denzel forgetting the order of the alphabet. It's such a kid thing to do (well, actually I sometimes have trouble with a couple letters too, so what does that make me?).

I don't usually read h/c, but this was great. Cloud's quiet empathy is doing wonders to my fangirl heart. Thanks for the read!
Kohryu chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
silly Denzel, you have found your place meant to be, inside their arms and hearts
SakiWatari chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
This was so adorable and sad and... GAH. The incharacterness (it's 4am, I can invent words if I need too) of it all just made it better. Please do a series of these, it's great!
ZizziHungarian chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
That was nice! :) I like slice-of-life fanfictions, but I must admit, only a few people can write them really good. You are one of them! Well, usually I don't like Cloud, but you portrayed him very believable, so good job! Keep up the good work!