Reviews for Muv-Luv: Breaking the Tide
CaptainPixel chapter 6 . 1/11
This is very good, but 6 years on i doubt there will be any update. Very sad.
Pallan Minerva chapter 6 . 7/19/2017
I'd really like to see this continue someday. This is excellent. There are so few good Muv-Luv stories out there. Please come back.
Kenshin135 chapter 6 . 2/22/2017
It's really a shame that this seems to have died for good. Hands down the best start to a "another loop" Muvluv stories I read, and by a pretty wide margin too. Good enough that it could actually be used for a real sequel to the series imo. Takeru's character is well done; still has some of his childishness and aloofness, but also maintaining his growth in maturity. He's also, still a very talented and powerful Eishi, but not excessively so like everyone else seems to write him. It actually feels like he could still lose, instead of just being an invincible superhero. The other characters are also well represented to there canon personas.

The lead in to the next loop is perfect; Actually spending time in the Fable world, and picking up a few tricks to help restoring the 00-Unit there instead of what most other fics do and just retconning the end of Alternative. The typical option of having Kasumi just jam a bunch of memories into him just before offing himself before the transition to Fable is a bit of a dull opening, especially since it outright ignores canon.

The new group dynamics are also very refreshing. Instead of just becoming a cadet for the millionth time, going straight to 2nd lt makes way more sense for this visit. Getting to explore the more background plots like the Nov. 11 mission while also allowing a new twist on how he has to develop his relationship with 207b and help them pull together instead of just copy pasting the source material as is.
Sapper One chapter 6 . 3/24/2016
Man. I really wish you'd update... Because you hooked me hard and now I don't know what to do with my life... Lol cheers mate, enjoyed the fic
Guest chapter 6 . 1/9/2016
Is the update ready & raring?
Guest chapter 5 . 12/18/2015
Tsukiji Tae in: 'Cat-o-Fool Schoolgirl!' a story in which an ordinary schoolgirl, quite foolishly, allowed a mad scientist/genius/high school teacher to experiment on her and ends up in a world with only cats.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/18/2015
"Yeah. A really, really great friend. A better one than he had ever deserved, in his opinion."

Aye, in what I believe are the infamous words of amaterasu translations, a 'noble confidant,' some might say.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
The greatest part about the source material is the characters. Despite the seemingly cliches at times (rei/kei for example) the characters carry depth through masterful storytelling. This is mentioned in the chapter, so I don't feel bad spoiling this, but BETA-verse Yuuko is often unreadable and acts quite callously, yet they send the audience how she feels through the subsequent events, nearly flawlessly. This reminds me a bit about that specific bit of storytelling.
dongaro chapter 6 . 10/6/2015
Wow. Very nice so far. It's really got that feel of end game Takeru, and the whole hopeless (and yet some what hopeful) alternative world.

The fights are well paced and enjoyable to read. The plot is moving nicely and the characters are all in character.

I found this after only recently finding out about Muvluv being finally getting an oficcial release in english. I needed some Muvluv fanfiction to tide me over and this really hit the spot.

Really want to see how this goes. ALso maybe possibly more of a talk with the Hive mind in site 01? Regardless loving this story. It's really got that Muvluv feel going on. I noticed it hasn't been updated in a while but regardless this is definitely one of the best muvluv stories I've read. Thank you.
edboy4926 chapter 6 . 10/2/2015
Good and sad chapter
Please continue this story.
edboy4926 chapter 5 . 10/2/2015
Great chapter
edboy4926 chapter 4 . 10/2/2015
Interesting chapter
edboy4926 chapter 3 . 10/2/2015
Good chapter.
edboy4926 chapter 2 . 10/2/2015
Good chapter
edboy4926 chapter 1 . 10/2/2015
Awesome intro
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