Reviews for Illusive Dreams
digiauthorener chapter 5 . 9/27/2018
So I just found this today and I know this hasn't been updated here in 2 years and I saw in your bio that you're working on a rewrite, but I wanted to let you know it's good. Like really good. I wanna know what happened, why Tai is still showing up and being his normal antagonizing self, why Joe showed up at this particular moment. Will he start showing up more often now that Mimi is here?

I check back periodically, but yeah. I like it. And I hope you write more.
Sylvermist chapter 5 . 5/29/2018
It’s been a while but I really wish you’d continue this. This seems really interesting and there are still plenty of gaps to be filled, and it intrigues me. It’s very good story and it’s such a shame to leave it just like that. Just so you know, if you ever come back with an update, I will be here. And I’ll be waiting!
Guest chapter 5 . 3/7/2018
I wonder if you will come back and continue this, its really interesting! I really want to find out what happens and what actually happened to everyone. I just wanted to say great story, even if it doesn't get finished (which would be sad though!)
nikanaka chapter 5 . 6/8/2017
I deny myself to believe they are death! No no no! lol keep updating this please. It's very interesting to read :)
Kiratt chapter 5 . 3/5/2017
Brilliant writing. You create quite the haunting atmosphere with your word choice! Very well done.
I'm very curious to where this story is headed. Looking forward to more.
Andromeda Rising chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
Tanya, this is an incredible beginning. I've missed reading your work, and I'm so glad you decided to start working on this again. I don't think I ever read the original, so I'm really really intrigued to see where this is going.

Reading this gave me chills in certain parts; there's just enough detail when Mimi's first walking through Odaiba and then arriving at TK's to give off a sinister undertone, about Tai not living there anymore, cluttered apartment (disorganized mind?), and then the newspaper clippings. Chills! I'm so glad there are more chapters to read so that we can find out what's going on. I think the development of the backstory and the foreshadowing are both well-developed; you give us just enough information to push us on and to try to piece together what happened-and wonder what will happen. I can't help but wonder about the identities of the other three missing children, and about Kari and what she's up to (as well as what her relationship with Takeru and Mimi is like now, given what's happened). I love the last three lines/paragraphs; there's so much nostalgia in seeing an old friend, and realizing how different and same they are at the same time.

Looking forward to the future chapters and how this story will develop!
bed of nails and sandpaper chapter 5 . 1/15/2017
oh my god this story is amazing! Please don't ever stop writing it!
Sweet Cari chapter 5 . 12/27/2016
I usually don't go for dark stories that have mental illness in them but this one caught my eye and I found myself wanting more. Though looking back the nightmare sequence, I feel that Matt had opened some type of Pandora's box and I think the color scheme of the pixies are supposed to symbolize the four remaining Digidestined in some way.
Undesirable13 chapter 5 . 12/24/2016
YAAAASSSSS TANYA! The story lives!

I need to find out what's happening. PLEASE! I need more!

I absolutely adore this story. The characters are so well-written, and everything is beautifully illustrated in your narrative. I love the meeting where Matt sees Tai playing with the snow globe, just bouncing it around. I saw it all.

Thank you for creating and updating this story. I look forward to reading more (and I'm hoping for a happy ending, but we'll see where it goes!).
Mr.Baratheon97 chapter 4 . 2/27/2016
Aww what?! I can't believe it's not finished. Shame about TK and Kari. Are the kids really dead? Mimi is really on point though. I really like how you've written Matt, but I hope he didn't actually kill anyone. If you update this I will cheer so hard. :D
chromate chapter 4 . 1/4/2014
I know that it's been a while since you updated this story, but man this is great. Like, really, really great. As someone with an interest in psychology academically I applaud you for your excellent description of the mental states of Matt. The whole story is very intriguing, and I could only try to imagine what really happened. There were so many possibilities!
Zen chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Gosh, I only just dug this up from the back of the fanfiction sofa - it's got a really interesting plot and the character representation is nice. Any chance we could tempt you back to it? It's so hard trying to find anything original and you've got something special here!
Daniyell37 chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
I came across this in my favorites and wanted to read it again cause I couldn't remember everything. Oh my god I can't believe this hasn't been updated in 6 YEARS. It's so interesting, can't believe you stopped :'
Angelfish369 chapter 6 . 12/21/2011
wish you would continue this...someday... i really wanna know what happened to them!
l0vescream chapter 5 . 4/21/2011
Still very very interested in reading! :)
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