Reviews for The One Night
Star Of Imagination chapter 32 . 11/7/2019
Jason... what a FUCKING BASTARD!
Mrs.TylerLockwood chapter 29 . 7/15/2019
I am so happy you updated! I hope you update again soon! And Jess and Phil end up together!
Dream01 chapter 28 . 6/16/2019
Omg thank you for the update. I still love these movies
Guest chapter 26 . 3/9/2019
I re-read the story and I have to say I liked it better when Phil and Jess were together and Phil was the father not Jason but that's just my opinion.
Still a good story though! :)
little taciturn one chapter 2 . 9/21/2017
Hey! Do you think maybe you can make a sequel out of this fanfic? I love it so much. Thanks!
CWTV-TeenWolf-Lover chapter 27 . 10/19/2015
So who had sex with who?! Please continue this is amazing!
foREVer an Angel22 chapter 28 . 2/26/2015
Hey I just found this story and just wanted to say how much I love it. You're an amazing writer and I can't wait to read more! Update again soon.
Ritsikas chapter 6 . 1/29/2015
I will just say what I think and maybe this in the future will help with other stories.
I think you have great writing style, neat and detailed. But this story's plot is just soo wrong. It has taken all, that is comedy, out of the film. Example: the siblings mother, underage crap. All the added stuff with her panic, self pitting. Ok maybe if she had seen more in life, the panic wouldnt be that big.
Dont get me wrong, something new is great but this is TOO new.
Anyway, hope no hard feelings.
Good luck!
Guest chapter 28 . 7/16/2014
I'm so sorry for your divorce, i hope you and your kids will okay.
Xmidniteangel15X chapter 27 . 5/31/2014
LMFAO! I find it funny that Jess seemed to pick up on these things first had my crying over here...please update soon
justagirlfromcali chapter 27 . 5/30/2014
I loved it. The flashback with 9/11 was truly heartbreaking. You have a way with words. Keep writing girl!
justagirlfromcali chapter 26 . 4/28/2014
I apologize that it's taken me so long to read this but I finally did and it was worth it. Really amazed me on how you incorporated the events of 9/11 and how it affects Jess and everyone else. Obviously Doug is okay in the present but what happens in the trance that Jess is in? Guess we'll find out next chapter!
Sam.Le chapter 24 . 2/17/2014
Please right more the story really good!
summerneverlasts chapter 24 . 2/11/2014
Love your fanfic, i'm spanish by the way:D
Xmidniteangel15X chapter 24 . 2/8/2014
I'm soooooooooooo happy you updated!
OH NOOOOOO! What is Jason planning on doing with Jess and Phil's life? I hope they get to adopt Mali :)
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