Reviews for Jenny and the Doctor
alpha979 chapter 2 . 6/17/2013
More please this is fun.
GoddessAmanda1984 chapter 2 . 6/4/2013
I'm so glad you updated...I'd love to see more if you're so inspired.
chasezx3 chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
Your story is very good, you should update.
GoddessAmanda1984 chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
It's interesting to read some smut on a virtually non-existent pairing. I'd love to see this follow up with a threesome with Clara.
Madman on a Bus chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
I loved this!
There's like no Jenny/11 fics
Haha the ending!
Please do a threesome with Clara or Vastra or both!
One little complaint though:
'The day of the crimson horror' dosn't make much sense
Something like: 'the day we fought the crimson horror' or something would make more sense...