Reviews for I Want it All
FDWojo chapter 34 . 3/22/2016
I know it's been almost exactly 2 years since you last posted a changed, but since the story is not marked as COMPLETE, and since the endnig of this chapter doesn't seem to be an ending, I'm assuming that there is more? If so, will you be posting any more of it anytime?

Thanks for reading this.

lacycurtains24 chapter 3 . 7/1/2015
Wow. Lanie is really horrible as a friend here. Though, that isn't out of character on the show, because she and Martha have both given terrible advice at times. I hate that their characters have been used to further a storyliine that wouldn't make sense, but, they are needed to push a plot into being. Like, "If you haven't given her a ring, you aren't committed in a relationship." What a load of bullcrap.
So here, Lanie seems to doubt Castle's love after all this time, but she's done it before on the show. so... . it's canon.

It just hurts. Thanks for writing.
TheOverlookedFangirlingSwiftie chapter 34 . 6/5/2014
You end it here for now? Are you kidding me? I just found this and I'm DYING! OMG, I want Esplanie together. I like where your story is going tho. -K
mrsalh32611 chapter 34 . 4/24/2014
more soon please
TORONTOSUN chapter 34 . 3/24/2014
I like it when Kate and Rick is all sappy. It means its real, and they really do love each other.
16abennett chapter 34 . 3/24/2014
Amazing! love your story, word count doesn't matter, you are a great writer with any amount
concreteangel16 chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
Thing I found funny:
I have a cousin who is a Catholic priest and another whose name is Patrick Bryan. No lies.
theputz913 chapter 34 . 3/23/2014
So when is Kate gonna get bored with the whole DC job, being chained to a desk with no field work and having to keep her cases secret from Castle and her upcoming marriage so hush hush? The dynamic seems so off with the whole gang since Kate and Rick left for DC. I'm happy they love their house but would much rather see them living in the burbs of NYC and Kate & Rick being partners in everything again and working with the boys.
firerosedreamer67 chapter 34 . 3/23/2014
Sweet and to the point. ...They are sappy! . ..Love it...
The-KLF chapter 34 . 3/23/2014
D'aww these two goobers.

Write because you enjoy it, not because you feel obligated. Glad to see you back :-)
Jasmn19 chapter 3 . 10/29/2013
Lanie wants her to say no? What?
TORONTOSUN chapter 33 . 9/21/2013
You better get Lanie and Espo back together as soon as possible. If not, they are go to explode.
Guest chapter 33 . 9/20/2013
LOVE It! LOVE that you brought Toby back because I LOVE him and Lanie's friendship :) they're sooo cute and I want to see him back on the show. As a die hard esplanie shipper I totally LOVED this part...Write tons of more like that :D Love your story! Can't wait for next chapter!
jareya chapter 33 . 9/20/2013
I like Espo's attitude here, people often forget that transfers and changes are all too common in law enforcement. They're very sad, but they come with the territory. And those bonds last forever, even after colleagues have moved on. His 'women are like deer' thing on the other hand... SMH. Esposito is something else.
The-KLF chapter 33 . 9/20/2013
Oh these two. I like how Javi forgets how to contract words when he's drunk, that was funny :)
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