Reviews for Foolish Mortal
LilianaGreenleaf chapter 4 . 10/29/2017
Wow, just wow. Less than 10k words and you've got me so entranced, it was truly beautiful. Really do hope you update, Im definitely going to keep a look out!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
The read again through the chapters was simply gentle and beautiful. Really hope you update soon, I've been checking up on this story stoner I've found it!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/11/2016
Oh man, it's almost been 3 years since this was last updated! Honestly, this fanfic, even though short, was very good, the wording you used was magnificent and you really made it seem like not just some place in a video game, but truly a living breathing world just like our own. I absolutely loved this, please update when you can, I'll be waiting!
magicalandinactive chapter 4 . 7/7/2014
I have been such an awful reader and reviewer! At least I only had one chapter to catch up on here, instead of like Foolish Mortal, the one that I'm so very, very behind on. Anyway!

This was a wonderful chapter and I'm really curious to see what the consequences of this will be after his interference and also, what the aftermath of that little declaration he made at the end of the chapter will be. Also, that impressively potent potion! Is that going to have any long-term effects on her? This is definitely one of my favorite stories and I totally get being very, very busy, so I can wait for an update! :)
LobstarMonstar chapter 4 . 7/2/2014
I had a feeling I'd like this one. In retrospect, I'm glad I saved it until now.
Nalledia chapter 4 . 9/18/2013
Woot! It's good to see you back in action on here!
Gotta love the seemingly 'innocent' way our favorite dremora lord saves Rathyne for his entertainment;) I love how you've expanded his backstory, and I wonder what Rathyne's reaction will be when she finds out a dremora lord saved her life….
Have I ever mentioned that I also adore how you use a distant and haughty tone to tell this story? It's amazing, if I haven'tX3 It makes the fall-to-be so much sharper!:D
Smashing Skunk53 chapter 4 . 9/17/2013
Ah, so nice to see a new chapter.

A curiosity that grows into something more. As the years go by, I want to see how you handle the escalating feelings, and the drawback of a dremora Lord, "whose dark hand has touched her soul."

The Nords will not be pleased at this coming from the "demon worshippers".
Truth Dawns in Fire chapter 4 . 9/17/2013
YOUR BACK! I was worried, well just a little but still... your writing has improved since the last chapter, I look forward to an update I cant wait to see how this continues!
DragonflyxParodies chapter 3 . 7/26/2013
I love the story, and I love how you weave the foreshadowing into it. I can't wait for an update
Guest chapter 3 . 7/14/2013
This is coming along well! I was reading your other book, Manevolence Festers (also a huge fan) and I understand it's a little hard given your schedule. But I really like how this is coming along. Keep up the good work and, if you can, post soon!
Zeeweeble chapter 3 . 6/17/2013
This is brilliant. Im still not sure what is going on but that is what keeps me coming back for more! I love it please, continue.

Oh, I also read your Cicero x Listener story all 16 chapters in a day. :) Its beautiful and thrilling, I am following both stories. Keep the chapters coming; they are pure gold!
magicalandinactive chapter 3 . 6/14/2013
I love how he's like, "Ugh. Disgusting mortals. Feh." *CANNOT TEAR HIMSELF AWAY* Oh, high and mighty Dremora, obsessed with observing a Dunmer family, especially a little girl. And her father being so upset about the mirror being uncovered! I'm curious to see what he's going to do once he realizes that Rathyne had it put into her room. Great chapter! (derp)
Rainshower10101 chapter 3 . 6/9/2013
This is really cool reminds me of another story but it doesn't I love the stories about daedra falling for mortals
Truth Dawns in Fire chapter 3 . 6/6/2013
This is very interesting. The whole story seems to be read from the pov of a daedra. I like how your using foreshadowing and your very good with the names. I can never come up with good dark elf names.
Nalledia chapter 3 . 6/6/2013
Ooh… I like this chicky! (I'm sorry: I keep forgetting her name:3 Mind you, I've also only read these chapters on the mobile version so I can't see her name:3 I feel terrible now:3) But she's awesome! Strong-willed, and cunning, this one would say! Growing up so well… I can see how conjuring would factor into this story;p Haha
And then the Markynaz… I love how you tell his part! Almost as if you're writing from the POV of one of his lessers…:)
Looking forwards to the next, as usual!:D
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