Reviews for In Pieces
Dr.ham chapter 30 . 4/5
I know it’s been awhile since this story has been out, but I love it so much!
Well written!
StansGirl512 chapter 30 . 1/15/2017
3 Loved it! lots of drama! Good job!
Neverending stomeme chapter 29 . 10/29/2016
Mekabella21 chapter 16 . 8/28/2016
My face, if you could have seen it when Stan said I want to fuck you. Kyle is a big man for turning down a drunk Stan. i do wonder if Stan will ask him again. Oh and I think butters hit the nail on the head or maybe Stan goes both ways.
Mekabella21 chapter 15 . 8/28/2016
Shit. Fucking Cartman. Did Wendy see all of this go down? Oh boy.
Mekabella21 chapter 13 . 8/28/2016
I have a feeling some shit is going to go down at the party. Stan is probably trying to his mind right. Whew.
Mekabella21 chapter 12 . 8/28/2016
Yesssssss. I can't believe Wendy asked him that! Lol I laughed. Don't leave me for Kyle. *rolls eyes*

I am surprised they got to where they were kissing. All the yelling and back forth. Man I am going to read this again.
Mekabella21 chapter 9 . 8/28/2016
I am glad Stan can see the damage he did to Kyle first hand. I feel bad because I know his apology is sincere but because he hurt Kyle so much and never apologized for so long Kyle doesn't believe him for a second. I wonder when will Kyle start to believe him.

Oh Kyle walked into his room with that towel on and changed in front of Stan like it was no big deal. Like wow. If I had an ex friend in my room the last thing I would do is undress in front of them. Maybe I would I wanted to show off my hot bod lol
Mekabella21 chapter 8 . 8/28/2016
Wendy girl, you already know your man got the hots for kyl. Yet you keep pushing them to make up. She is a much better person than I am. That is my being honest and selfish but it is what it is.
Mekabella21 chapter 6 . 8/28/2016
Interesting. Like now you feel bad Stan. He had this whole time to make up to Kyle and he never did. You know it's bad when Wendy has to jump in and help. It seems like he feels bad or has always felt but didn't have the balls to apologize. I mean he not only boy blamed Kyle he hit him. I was surprised when I read that. I know that really hurt Kyle. He put up his no Stan allowed fence and it was a wrap.
Mekabella21 chapter 5 . 8/28/2016
I give Wendy credit, she really cares about Stan. I can't believe she just thought him and Kyle grew apart. I mean Stan from what I have seen gets a little hostile when anyone mentions Kyle name. You can't tell me she didn't notice that. Maybe she didn't want to. Like how she just ignored Bebe suggestion of them being gay for each other. Um hm.
Mekabella21 chapter 2 . 8/28/2016
I know everything you write is with a purpose. You will never have to explain why you are doing what you doing to me but I know their spare some people out there who need it.

As for me I have a love hate relationship with Wendy. It depends on her personality as in she could go in so many directions. This Wendy I like. I love the fact that she was jealous of Stan and Kyle relationship. Why do I love this? Because she can see their undeniable connection.

Kyle would actually make a great doctor. He has the mind and heart for it. I was thinking emt but I don't think he could handled the emotional portion, especially if the person dies.
Mekabella21 chapter 1 . 8/28/2016
Awww here you go pulling at my heart strings already. Man what could have the fight been about that Stan started rumors. Stan doesn't seem like the type to run his mouth but in this story something could have happened that changed him( like Kennys death )

Kyle sounds like he is moving on well from what despite that he lost two best friends. I admire him for that because the way Kenny died, if that was me I would have been broken. Kenny saved his life, laid broken and still smile. It would have been too much for me.

Okay next chapter! So glad it is Sunday I have all day to read this!
Lucio O chapter 30 . 12/8/2015
Kirua: B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Just friggin beautiful...
trunks111 chapter 30 . 6/2/2015
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