Reviews for Lost and Found
XxKingArthurIIIxX chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
Aww, that was so cute. I loved it.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
OH MY GOODNESS. Every story I read by you I like even more than the last! I love this so much! So much that I will very unabashedly use exclamation points and caps. These lines, these lines, THESE LINES:

That's probably his favourite thing about Troy. That or his hugs; they're pretty cool too. (Troy and Abed hugs, yes yes yes!)

It often leads to epic quests such as Find The Lost Flat Key, or the sequel: Where Is My Wallet? I Cannot Find My Wallet. (This sentence is so full of awesomeness.)

he had put his hand down the back of the sofa of life and found himself a best friend. And he would never let him go. (Awwwwwww!)

:D :D :D Thanks for writing! I hope you'll write many more!