Reviews for Balance For All But One
Guest chapter 2 . 10/23/2019
waaaaaay too long an intro and waaaaay too much magic stuff to get xander to wake up ... yeah i stoped reading about halfway into this chapter and i have no intrest in reading anything more of this
JimmnyCricket chapter 9 . 7/29/2019
i didn't want to read most of the last few chapters and with this last one the same unfortunately it didn't tell me if this is the same as i have read before with xander and the mecuriel one being captured by styker and then created the hounds. if it is then i hate it...not really but still not happy i had just finished reading very unhappy story with 36 chapter of almost constant death, torture with characters continuing to die left and right and me crying my eyes out and blubbering that another sad one like yours is tooo much i need a happy story and hope to find one soon. though that other story is unfinished and looks like will never be finished as it has been 7yrs.. and yours hasn't been updated either...such a shame stories never get finished
Oni Meno Kage chapter 9 . 1/21/2019
great story, is it dead?
stylo1 chapter 4 . 1/10/2019
mutants, avengers, widespread elementals, demons, vampires. in slayer verse alone a majority of the world is controlled behind the sences by demons add things like hydra and 80% of the world has no morals and does whatever they want.
you said in the beginning it would take some time to build the story but you def have a goal in mind but you never finisht said goal, ironic how many stories suffer from this. for me it comes down to this: i reached for the sky only to realise i cant fly.
x-men is a shitstorm that is doomed to end in war a such you cant merger it with another verse, it just doesnt work. add a new person in said verse can be done but stories like avengers x-men and buffy each have a doomsday coming that is only avoided because the writers will, it makes no sence but no one cares aslong as there is action but to do this 3 times in the same plot? yeah fuck up waiting to happen.

you write really well but way to long with to much focus on thing that are hardly relevant, that and your aim was way to high simply avatar and buffy wouldve been more than enough
Lifelessman chapter 2 . 9/11/2018
Good Work...! 2
Lifelessman chapter 1 . 9/11/2018
Good Work...! 1
asingh123 chapter 3 . 7/3/2018
Booooooooring... Too much concentration on talking talking and talking, oh and X-Men universe...

It's chapter 3, and nothing
Dr1zzy chapter 1 . 5/1/2017
Great first ch ! Interesting set up
DeliciousCookie chapter 3 . 3/2/2017
This was probably one of my most biggest waste of times. -_-
As dull as concrete, so slow-paced and when things start to begin it turns out to be such a flop.
Zechs chapter 9 . 3/2/2017
saw some of your stories updated i really hope this one gets updated too! i so want to see what happens next!
Shadowpawzzz chapter 9 . 1/31/2017
Epic story! Keep up the good work.
QI chapter 9 . 1/9/2017
good work hope we see this work and your others like grey justice and imperious son updated soon! so want to read more in this new year!
holliswalley chapter 7 . 10/29/2016
I feel like Xander would sneak into Hank's Twinkie stash and steal it to increase the size of his own.
Exiled Soul Nomad chapter 9 . 9/16/2016
I wonder if they'll get into the other sub-elemental control over that year? I mean, sand, metal, mud, swamp, plant, snow, blood, etc. I'd like to see Hank break each facet down and give them all ideas of what more could be done and how what they can do works.

Honestly, I'd like to see he examine where water bending ends and earth bending starts when someone mud bends. Does it become impossible for a water bender when the mud is thick? Will the earth bender be incapable of bending the mud if it's to thin? How much is too much or too little?

What would he think of blood bending? Does it damage or over stress the blood vessels? Is there any harm to the organs? Can anything rupture? What about air benders shifting the oxygen in the blood or in the lungs?

And I wonder if Jean will try to find out more about the ability she witnessed as well?

I just feel like there where more questions left open and unanswered when the first show ended and went ignored by the second show.
Joe chapter 9 . 9/12/2016
Love the story cant wait to reed more of it and grey justice. I can't tell what romantic angle your going for with esme sophie and the others but im sure it will be fun.
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