Reviews for The Loki who cried Wolf
Guest chapter 9 . 5/18/2019
i know its been years since you last updated but PLEASE, Write more
Guest chapter 3 . 6/9/2017
How was he responsible for her death?
Guest chapter 9 . 6/9/2017
Are you still working on this?
CodeSixty chapter 9 . 3/25/2017
Awww, I liked this story a lot! One out of very few warframes fanfictions I've been able to concentrate on and read everything without skiping certain parts. Sad to dee you Lost interest... but it's understandable- have happend to me way too many times, many stories not even reaching the "upload Button" so to say. The insperation for them just goes away. And it gets even worse when forcing out chapters...

Ah well, I Love your writing style, and I Wish you luck upon your other stories (I see the one you mentioned before is going well :) ).
Dragonmoon13 chapter 9 . 10/15/2016
Fantastic read sad to read you lost interest. Love the AU you made and hope you find more inspiration for this story or your other ones. Thank you again for the great read.
Guest chapter 9 . 2/29/2016
You sir are a talented writer, but if my only suggestion is that the part where loki told vauban "I'll burn them all" it would have been better if it actually happened in the mission like for example ash would inspect the area loki was in and find burned and scorched enemies around him, but overall this story is amazing
Guest chapter 9 . 2/22/2016
Apparently dead story... But all well, there's always another legendary story out there somewhere.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/26/2016
Looks like the story is ruined, the Tenno are not within the warframes.
EtriusSierra chapter 9 . 12/17/2015
I've never actually played Warframe, but I have done my fair share of research into its lore. This story just reaffirms my interest. Love your work.

Your ability to flesh out the personalities and the interactions between the different warframes, makes the story feel really fluid, within the grander scheme of their solar system. Hehe, I notice you like using the word 'latter' a lot. We writers all have our unique quirks, this one seems like yours. :P

Between the both of us, as writers, I feel I can relate to the times of silence these stories have to endure, when IRL stuff takes over. But by all means, it's never too late to continue a wonderful story such as this. I/we really wouldn't mind.

Cheers. :)
DerpMeme chapter 9 . 11/15/2015


Sorry, but I'm serious here.
Joseph chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
Kopnpyc chapter 9 . 5/19/2015
This fanfiction is the most adorable thing I've ever read. I love your style of writing, the story itself and especially its characters. I love the slow pace of the development of romantic feelings between Loki and Nyx. I don't know what makes this story so close to my heart but while re-reading the fanfiction once again I was very disappointed that there was no update on this story since a while ago. It is very sad when an author becomes uninterested in finishing a story. I know that I cannot influence your interest in it anyhow, but I just want to reassure you that there are still great fans of this wonderful story who look forward to the new chapters in the near future.
Thank you for these exciting moments that I've lived while reading this fanfiction.
pyr0kid chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
i like it
Charvx chapter 5 . 1/31/2015
This is so good! I love how you portray the tennos. Like how each warframes has a set of qualities that the wearer must have. The story is extremely interesting too! Its a right mix of different tones. Like never too serious.
We can really see the relationship grow between the two and its not developped in minutes like some story i've seen.
JaxChia chapter 9 . 12/20/2014
Aww...Loki...think that Nyx will ever find out about Loki's dark past. Here's a random thing to do,add tenno hubs :D
-Excalibur Prime Gaileon
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