Reviews for Friday Night
MarvelMistress12320 chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
Omg my ships! Oh, that was stunning!
Lady-Holly-Wood chapter 1 . 11/28/2013
Oh my god I'm trying so hard to stop fangirling too loudly cause it's 2AM butbutbutbutbtubtubtubtubtubtubtubtutb this is just so good I can't even. Nupnupnupnup too good what even is life? I love you and this story so yeah
Shara Raizel chapter 1 . 10/11/2013
OMG THIS IS THE CUTEST CROSSOVER EVER! I loved how they were all talking about their own "Holmes" boyfriend and how Dean fit right in. I can easily see Q/Julian being a Holmes brother and I wish that there were more fics about that... do you know any per chance? :D
Anyway this was a cute one-shot and I wish there were more of them!
bandgeek5100 chapter 1 . 6/14/2013
This is probably the best fanfic I have ever read! :3